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Tag: dream

May 2008 our oldest daughter called to ask what I wanted for Mother’s Day.

“How about a trip to Oregon.”

free digital Photo
“Mom, be real?”
“Well I need a new computer.”
“Mother, something attainable, please.”
“Honey, I don’t have a want list these days. I don’t really need anything and what I do need or desire are impossible to buy or attain.”
“Mom, that’s really sad. You are the one that taught me to dream big.”
After we discussed my lack of faith, I hung up, opened my Bible and wrote my list.
1.   I’d like to teach a workshop at a writer’s conference.
2.   I’d like a trip to Oregon to see our family

3.   I’d like a new computer.

Marcus, Karen, Me and Kaitlynn
4.   I’d like a tapestry banner with a lion.
(can’t remember #5 but received it)
The next week a virus hit my computer and killed it dead. Deader than dead.
I whined to the Lord, “I didn’t think we’d have to buy one—how will we pay for it?” Husband made sure I bought the best of the best desktop computers. We put it on a payment plan. (Sidenote: can you believe, in only three months an unexpected check arrived—we paid for the computer without interest.)

Three weeks after my conversation with my daughter a huge tapestry arrived. 

“Found this in the backroom where I work—it was on sale,” daughter said.
Wow. The lion and the lamb are beautifully woven into a huge tapestry. Much larger than I dreamed about.
Before long I found an airline ticket at half the usual price. I flew to Oregon and enjoyed family.
In the fall a friend I met online sent me an email. “Would you teach a workshop at our first IDAHope writers conference next year.” ‘
Can you see me? I jumped, yelled, hollered and called our daughter.
“Guess what? I’ve been asked to teach at a writer’s conference.”
Feeling blessed beyond belief I sent out emails to everyone I knew. Many friends congratulated me. Then I found out I needed to pay for an airline ticket from Omaha, Nebraska to Boise, Idaho.
I backtracked. 
Sent out another email saying, “It sounded too good to be true and I guess it is. I’m not going, but I’m thrilled with the invitation.”
But God wasn’t done.
The next day an email from a friend in Florida arrived.
“How much is the ticket? I’m sending the money in today’s mail?”
I did go to IDAHope.

I met many new authors—some are still in touch with me.

Author Carol Colson
I did spend three nights and four days with Carol Colson, a new precious friend whose book will come out soon.
I did teach, not one workshop, but two and critiqued twelve manuscripts in all genres’.
Now it’s 2015, time to set goals for the new year?
How big can I dream?
God is the God of the impossible.
If I can find it, pay for it, 
plan it in my budget—that isn’t dreaming big. 
I don’t need God if I can do it all myself.
More to come.