What an animated discussion at our first WordSowers meeting at the 72nd and Dodge Borders location, May 5, 2011. Didn’t think about it until later, but Kat, Angela, Jon and Teresa (KAJT), started their new leadership team roles on the National Day of Prayer—a great beginning for a new season in life with Wordsowers.
Attended by: Lee Warren; Merrie Hanson; Elizabeth Meyer (Angela’s daughter who after the meeting said, “I really liked listening to all the stories.”) Angela Meyer; Kat Crawford; Susan Gontarek; Jon Miller; Rachel Steenson; Katie Ziegler; Teresa Tierney and Pasquale (Pat) Mingarelli.
● Lee Warren is writing full time for the Christian Post. Suggestion—take a minute to check out http://www.christianpost.com/author/lee-warren/.
● Jon Miller has been accepted as camp counselor at Okoboji, Iowa. One of his articles has been printed and he has three more accepted for publication—great job, Jon.
● Susan Gontarek has sent six chapter of her book “Grace in the Mirror” to Carol Umbarger for editing. Susan also has a new website: susangontarek.com
● Teresa Tierney is the new admin for Wordsowers.com
● Kat Crawford is the new contact for Sally Stuart’s Christian Writer’s Guide
● Jon Miller built a blog http://omahawordsowers.blogspot.com/2011
● Teresa, Angela and Kat submitted articles. (Love the quote on my wall: “You cannot sell what you don’t submit.”)
● Pat Mingarelli, Katie Ziegle and Rachel Steenson are new to the group, but not to the writing and speaking world. Welcome!
● Check out Pat’s photography at http://www.wildheartphotograpy.com/
If I’ve forgotten something shared, forgive me. You can add comments or email one of the KAJT and we’ll add the info.
Several brought travel articles or a memoir to read aloud and then we discussed chapters 13 and 14 from the book “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser.
Next WordSowers meeting will be held June 2nd upstairs in the Borders 72nd and Dodge location. We will continue with two challenging chapters: 15, “Science and Technology” and 16, “Business Writing.” Exercise your brain, bring 150-250 words you’ve experienced that relates to these chapters.
Reporting, The Lionhearted Kat