


Wordsowers Christian Writers Group is located in Omaha, Nebraska. We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. for encouragement, education and connection. Our number one priority is to glorify God with our words in the various genres He has called us to write.

Meeting location is Omaha Christian Center, 4215 N. 92nd Avenue, Omaha, NE 68134. Park in the south parking lot, go to the main church entrance, and follow the signs to the meeting room in the fellowship hall. Please be sure to check meeting information on this site or the Facebook meetup page before attending in case meeting information has changed.

Zoom meetings are also available, if you can’t meet in person. Click on Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. Since it’s a closed group, click on “Invite” to join. You will need to answer three questions and agree to the guidelines. An administrator will then admit you into the group.

(Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They have graciously opened their facilities to us to use for the meetings.)

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Our Current Leadership Team

Debbie Crom, Theresa Graeve, Amy Stanley, and Lollie Hofer

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Contact Information

If we can be of service to you or if you have any questions, please leave a comment below or send a message on the Facebook page. You can also send an email to lolliehofer@yahoo.com

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General Disclaimer

Wordsowers Christian Writers Group is a Christian-based writers’ organization. We make no apologies for holding a Judeo-Christian perspective of marriage, family, and the value of life and children. Thanks for your openness to respectfully consider our viewpoints.

This website does not contain any content which might present a conflict with our faith-based convictions.

We do not share your contact information.

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