Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
Marketing Q & A with Patricia Durgin
April 22nd 7:00-8:00 pm (Central Time)
Please join us for a special question and answer session with Marketers on a Mission‘s Patricia Durgin. Patricia specializes in marketing Jesus’ way, messaging, and building a loyal following through service.
Amazon sold its first book back in 1995. That was the year Patricia Durgin began studying online marketing. Since then, she’s invested thousands of dollars to learn from leaders in the field, and countless hours adapting those principles for Christian writers and speakers.
Online marketing is a confusing tangle of technology and messaging. Patricia helps Christian communicators cut a straight path, so they can escape the maze and fulfill their calling, which is to reach more people for Christ.
Patricia delivered 505 60-minute programs as the host of Marketers On A Mission, a program for Christian writers and speakers, until Christ placed it on indefinite hiatus. She continues to serve
1) as the Admin of the private Facebook group Marketers On A Mission ENGAGE;
2) as a faculty member at many Christian writers and speakers conferences across the country;
3) through The Encourager, a weekly devotion, and;
4) via private coaching sessions.
Patricia and her husband live near Atlanta. Their two daughters are children’s pastors and their two sons-in-law are youth pastors. Their four grandchildren are a delight, and their two pups, Lucy and Linus, rule the roost at home.
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom.