Writers, discover the importance of the relationship and communication between author and illustrator as Alyssa Busse shares her insights. Learn about visual aspects such as layouts, cover design, eye-catching colors, fonts, and more.
Bring your questions and join us for an enlightening evening.
World traveler Alyssa Busse is a local illustrator and graphic designer with a degree in Graphic Communications from Grace University and many years of art classes. She has laid out novels and recipe books, illustrated and laid out children’s books, photographed and designed covers. Alyssa is skilled in turning a book from a Word document into a printed hard copy gracing a shelf. She’s passionate about great fonts and white space, and always, an eye-catching cover.
After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.
We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.
Photo courtesy Simon Howden freedigitalphoto.net