No Wordsowers Monthly Meeting in December.
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
During the busy holiday season we break from our normal monthly meetings so our members can focus on the Lord, and enjoy time with family and friends.
Please join our private FB group to stay connected!
Meetings resume January 2023.
We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.
Photo credit: digidreamgrafix2
Please join us as Wordsowers favorite, author and editor Lee Warren, shares his expertise.
Are you ready to get serious about establishing a writing routine? National Novel Writing Month starts November 1. It’s the perfect time to fast draft the manuscript you’ve been thinking about. Yes, you can write a first draft in thirty days, even with a day job or other responsibilities. During this month’s meeting we will talk about the mindset you will need to pull it off, then we will get practical.
Award winning author Lee Warren has written 19 books and hundreds of articles for various newspapers, magazines and websites. He’s also a contract editor for Barbour Publishing and Electric Moon Publishing, and is on staff with The Christian Communicator manuscript critique service.
Lee has taught at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, the Glorieta Christians Writers Conference, the CLASSeminars Christian Writers Conference, the Heart of America Christian Writers Conference, the Write-to-Publish Christian Writers Conference, the Nebraska Writers Guild Conference and the Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference. Lee also served on the Wordsowers leadership committee for an extended period, and continues to be an invaluable resource for the group.
Get a jump on your writing with Lee’s superlative resource, Write That Book in 30 Days.
Please note: October wraps up our monthly Zoom meetings for 2022. We’ll take our normal November/December holiday break so members can enjoy time with family, friends, and most important–with the Lord. We hope to see you for the last Wordsowers meeting of 2022, October 27th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm CST. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom while reevaluating when we can resume in-person meetings in 2023.
We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received? In this interactive meeting we’ll discuss great writing tips . . . and some duds as well.
Lollie Hofer and Jeanie Jacobson will each offer their top 5 writing tips. Between them, these ladies have written for Guideposts, The Upper Room, FaithWriters, Focus on the Family, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Medium,, Wholly Loved Ministries, as well as devotionals, compilations, and many other venues.
To add to the fun, attendees will have a chance to share their best pointers as well.
Hope to see you Thursday September 22nd at 7:00 pm CST for a great time!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
Thursday July 28, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm CST
Writers conferences offer excellent opportunities to pitch your work, meet agents, editors, and publishers, hone your craft, and network with other writers. But are you prepared? Please join us as we talk about making the most of your conference time and resources. We’ll cover elevator pitches, one sheets, business cards, conference etiquette, and more. Including what on earth to wear!
Who knows? The Lionhearted Kat Crawford, prime force behind the Wordsowers Writers Conferences, just might make an appearance.
Bring your questions–or your expertise–Thursday July 28, 2022 from 7:00-8:00 pm CST.
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.
Liisa Eyerly presents:
Social Media Platforms for the Introverted
Thursday June 23, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm CST
Do you leap for joy and clap your hands when someone offers you a speaking engagement, or do you break out in a sweat while your heart-rate doubles? Extrovert or introvert? Each personality lends itself to writing, but what about that menacing thing called marketing. Every writer needs a platform…or do they? Join Liisa Eyerly, author of “Obedient unto Death,” in exploring options for building an introvert’s social media platform.
Liisa’s publishing career began after getting married, teaching in Iowa, raising three children, opening a small business, obtaining a M.A. from the University of Wisconsin Superior, and working as a school librarian/media specialist. She writes a Christian mystery series set in ancient Ephesus, including Obedient unto Death, and Fortunes of Death
Liisa is an oral reader and thespian, librarian/media specialist, amateur historian, and student of Christian apologetics. She lives in northern Wisconsin with her husband. Connect with her at
Hope to see you Thursday June 23rd at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.
Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
More Strong Starts
Thursday May 26, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm CST
Is your opening paragraph a hit or a turkey? We’re continuing April’s FUN INTERACTIVE meeting. We’ll share our first lines with each other, and hone them for the “oomph” needed to catch readers–and editors–eyes.
Working together, we’ll polish those opening hooks. Bring your book, devotional, article, or anything else you’d like to share, even if it’s just one sentence.
Along with your own opening lines, please bring a favorite book with an awesome first sentence, as well as one that, shall we say, reeks.
Hope to see you Thursday May 26th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.
Is your opening paragraph a hit or a turkey? Find out at April’s FUN INTERACTIVE meeting. We’ll share our first lines with each other, and hone them for the “oomph” needed to catch readers–and editors–eyes.
Working together, we’ll polish those opening hooks. Bring your book, devotional, article, or anything else you’d like to share, even if it’s just one sentence.
Hope to see you Thursday April 28th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.
Wordsowers Special Monthly meeting:
What’s in it for YOU?
Thursday March 24, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm CST
Please join us for a special meeting, one that will guide the direction of the Wordsowers Christian Writers Group.
Many of our faithful zoom attendees are from the areas outside of Omaha as well as out-of-state.
Should we integrate face-to-face meetings with our Omaha-area members again?
Would you prefer Zoom-only meetings?
Would a hybrid of the two work best?
Also, what do you need writing-wise, and how can Wordsowers assist in your journey?
Your thoughts and ideas are a vital component as we–together–determine the future of Wordsowers.
Hope to see you Thursday March 24th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.
DeeDee Lake presents:
Connect and Relate
Thursday Feb. 24, 2022, 7:00-8:00 pm CST
Writing itself may be a solitary pursuit, but connections help get our words into the world.
Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, learning how to establish relationships is vital, both in person at conferences or online.
Don’t know how to relate? Come to this workshop to know how to make the best impression, schedule and attend appointments, to have realistic expectations, and the dos and don’ts of following up after a conference and connecting to industry professionals. The Literary business is a relational business. Let’s talk about creating relationships.
Connect and Relate – DeeDee is an expert in connecting and relationships. She’s the Author Relations Coordinator, Owner and Speaker at Cherish Relations Retreats and Workshops, Author, Blogger, Columnist, and as she puts it, “Part-Time Grown Up.”
She has lived in fifty houses, raised as a military brat and an Army wife. She knows how to relate. Connecting is one of the best aspects of the writing industry and conferences.
DeeDee’s passion is communication and connection. She believes relationships are built one conversation at a time. She’s the owner of Cherish Relations Retreats and Workshops, and lives out her faith guiding individuals how to experience extraordinary relationships.
You can connect with this connection expert on multiple social media platforms, including:
DeeDee is excited to reach back and help her younger sisters-in-Christ in Next Step. You’ve Accepted Jesus. Now What? A guide for teen girl’s Christian journey. Find it at DeeDee Lake
Please join us and learn how to build relationships one conversation at a time!
Hope to see you Thursday February 24th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the time being.
We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.
As we step into a new year, we face the perfect time to set new writing goals. What are some best practices for setting and reaching your creative goals in 2022? What are the four “S” obstacles to avoid as you move into this new year? Begin your 2022 with a definite plan. Join RJ Thesman for an informative workshop with practical tips for Setting and Reaching Your Writing Goals.
RJ Thesman is a Writing Coach, Editor and the Author of 19 books and 800+ articles. She has been a workshop leader at several of the Wordsowers Conferences. Her work is included in 14 anthologies, and she is listed in the Who’s Who of Professional Women. RJ holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. She is also a trained Stephen Minister. Currently, RJ is accepting two new clients for 2022. She is also active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube where she posts videos as RJ Thesman – Coaching for Writers.
Please join us as RJ Thesman, CLC, BSE Author / Writing Coach / Editor / Speaker gets our writing off to a great 2022 start!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom for the present.
We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.

During the busy holiday season we break from our normal monthly meetings so our members can focus on the Lord, and enjoy time with family and friends. Meetings resume January 27, 2022.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and a joyous New Year!
Please join our private FB group to stay connected!
We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.
Turkey photo courtesy of; Nativity photo courtesy of
Thursday Oct. 28, 2021, 7:00-8:00 pm CST
Podcasts are one of the fastest growing media outlets and experts expect their popularity to continue to increase. Much of their popularity comes from their ease of use. Listeners can listen while they drive, exercise, and perform a large number of chores and activities.
Due to the growing popularity of audio content, experts expect the number of available podcasts and the number of hosts to follow the blogging trends in 2010.
This means now is the best time to launch a podcast and build your audience, before this avenue becomes overly saturated. In this class, Jennifer Slattery will share basic podcasting tips along with how her podcast landed in the top 1.5% of all podcasts globally.
Jennifer Slattery is a speaker, blogger, novelist, editor, and ministry leader. As a multi-published author, Jennifer also has a deep love for story and all things creative. She writes Christian living articles for iBelieve, blogs for Crosswalk, and podcasts for Salem Web Communications. She’s also the founder of WhollyLoved Ministries.
When not writing, you’ll likely find her at one of Omaha’s many coffeehouses. She and her team also share content on the YouVersion Bible reading App and Back to the Bible’s reading app.
Connect with Jennifer on her website, the Faith Over Fear podcast, or the WhollyLoved Ministries page.
Hope to see you Thursday October 28th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom.
We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.