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“Oh no! Where’s my file?”
We’ve all heard the horror stories. Writers pour time, energy–and their hearts–into their words, Then a computer crash zaps it all.
Please join us as workshop leader Lee Warren shares various methods to back-up our work. Let’s save our writing–and our sanity!

Lee has twenty years experience in the Christian publishing industry, both traditional and indie publishing, and has taught at writers conferences throughout the US.
He has written eighteen books and hundreds of articles for various magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Decision, Discipleship Journal, Light & Life, War Cry, Christian Single, Bible Study Magazine,, Today’s Christian, Breakaway, Clubhouse, Living Light News and many others.

After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

Words of wisdom for after the conference from Anne Rauth.

The Wordsower’s 2019 conference is over.  Are you sad?  Glad?  In between?  Dear writing friends, trust me there is still more to do! 

Thank you:  Take the time to use your writing skills and say thank you to the conference organizers, who spent countless hours on many details for you to have a great time.  You’ll find their addresses in this newsletter.  Many countless hours of preparation have gone into this conference.  If it blessed you, then bless them! 

Follow up:  Perhaps you had meetings with individuals (agents, editors).  Make sure that you have developed a system to follow up with them about things you talked about, or some clarification you’d like to receive.  And, if they have given you some deadline for materials they are needing, make sure you have that date identified. 

Blog:  If you have a blog, please consider writing about the conference and inserting the link from this year’s event.  It’s a great reminder to you about the wonderful time you had and also an encouragement to other why may be on the fence about attending an event. 

Social Media:  If you have pictures or great comments from the conference, please post on social media!  Use the hashtag #Wordsowers2019

Receipts:  The conference fee and related expenses might be a deduction for you.  Make sure to save all your receipts and mileage information.  And consult your tax advisor for further information! 

Save:  Consider setting up a system to save a tiny amount every month so that the next time the conference rolls around, you’ll already have the money saved, and perhaps even have some extra to spend at the bookstore!

Write:  You may have many new opportunities, or not as many as you would like.  In either case, continue writing. Remember, you were called to create! 

Anne Rauth

Anne Rauth grew up in a small town in Northwest Missouri, with a high school graduating class of only 44. After high school, Anne received her MBA from the University of Kansas and immediately went to work at Hallmark Cards in their Advertising and Hallmark Hall of Fame division.

She belongs to the Heart of America Christian Writer’s Network and has led sessions at their annual conference. This year, Anne taught the workshops Don’t Monkey around with Mailchimp and Email Marketing.

Connect with Anne on her website and find out more about what she does.

A Few Things to Know about the Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference

There are always a few last minute questions. We’ve gathered a few, along with the answers, we think someone might be asking.

You can still register at the door on Friday night or Saturday morning. The cost at the door: $100. We do not discount for those only attending on Saturday only.

Come prepared to meet editors, publishers and authors. It doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert, whether you are published or not. From the leadership right down through the volunteers or those leading workshops, we want this to be a positive experience for you. If you have questions, ask. 

Network, network, network. Use the time at the conference to exchange business cards and connect with other writers. You may glean a great idea for your next article or novel.

Every manuscript you bring needs your name, email and page number. Most people reading your material will not accept a hard copy at that moment, but if they did, could they find you?

Basic Submission Formatting: Use font—Times New Roman; 12 pitch; double space. Set your paragraph for 0.5 (do not hard indent.) Use single space between sentences.

Thank you for praying for WCWC leadership and all the volunteers who are working hard to help you become a published author.

I have never attended a writers conference

Is this your first time to attend a writers conference? Are you feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed about the upcoming conference? Here are a few suggestions to make this a great experience!

Dress comfortable. But remember, you are meeting with editors and publishers. Think like you are applying for a new position. Dress appropriately.

Bring Pen and Paper for Note taking. As we are not set up to record the workshops, so you will want to take plenty of notes. There will be a plethora of great information shared.

Hang on to the folder you are given when you check in. This folder will contain the conference schedule and other information and be a great place to keep your workshop notes together.

Study the workshop leaders and the workshop information before you arrive. We have a workshop page set up with all this information. Checking this out ahead of time allows you to hit the ground running. Download a printable copy of the workshops to bring to the conference with you. This will give you a photo of the presenter and the info to remind you of the class.

Check out the directories posted to find your classes. Instead of printing out the workshop lists for each attendee, we will have several locations where you can read up on the workshops.

Team up with other attendees when you want to attend two workshops presented at the same time. If you know another writer, possibly you can share notes following the workshops. If you came alone, you might ask if there is someone else attending the second workshop and share the notes. Unfortunately, we are not set up to record workshops.

Thank you for praying for Wordsowers Leadership and all the volunteers ready to give you a great experience in increasing your writing ability.

We are thrilled that so many registered during our half price special. We are now taking registrations at our new special rate of $65. Still a great deal. Share about Wordsowers conference with your friends.

Use #wordsowers2019 when you share the news about Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference.

Special Announcement

Because of interest in previous years, we have added an option for non-writing spouses who don’t wish to take in the local sights or hang out at their hotel, to attend our conference with our $50 spouse special –half off the full price registration. The price remains the same regardless of date of registration.

This price DOES include Friday night sessions, the keynote address as well as the workshops and snacks and coffee provided for paid registrants. It does NOT include one on ones or any of the add ons available for an extra charge to attendees.

If your spouse is also a writer, they will need to pay the normal rate for the conference. Thank you for your understanding and helping us to keep the overall cost of the conference at a reasonable price.

If you have already registered, and would like to take advantage of this special, feel free to use the short form to register you spouse. However to complete the purchase, you will still need to use the PayPal button on the registration page and choose the non-writing spouse special.

We are excited to see you all at the 7th Annual Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference!

Are you ready to come and be inspired? To connect with other writers? And to go home equipped to move to the next step on your writing journey?

Stop by our conference page and discover what we have planned for you at the conference or go directly to the Conference Registration page to claim your ½ price special.

We are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones April 26-27, 2019, in Omaha, Nebraska. The conference will be held in the same location as last year, at Grace Central Church.

Help us spread the word. Feel free to save the image below and share to wherever you hang out on social media!

Register now for the 2019 Wordsowers Conference!

See you soon!

Christian Writers Conference

Coming soon! Our Conference Half-price special!

Mark your calendar April 26-27, 2019 for Wordsowers 7th annual writers conference!

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or sign up for our newsletter to ensure you don’t miss our half-price announcement!

Interviews with workshop leaders, editors and publisher will be posted shortly!

Who is coming to the 2019 WCWC? Leave a comment below and tell us what you are looking forward to the most.

Often we go to meetings hoping to glean knowledge, to gain tangible help to propel us along. Sometime we find those insightful nuggets; sometimes we come up empty.

That’s why this Jan 24, 2019 kick-off meeting is all about you. What do you need to propel your writing forward?

This meeting is an open forum. We plan to invite the rest of 2019’s monthly speakers based on the needs presented at the January meeting.

Please feel free to bring a snack, beverage, and your input. This meeting is open to all.
After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.

The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

Dee Dee Lake, Christmas, memories

Today we welcome Dee Dee Lake as she shares

her thoughts about writing during Christmas.

I have learned to never, never ever, set a writing deadline during the holidays. As an author, I am an observer and keeper of history in the making. My job is to capture moments and honor traditions of God, family, friends, and community.

If my mind is on editing and meeting writing deadlines, I miss the life stories happening around me. I need to be available. I need to be present in the moment as we celebrate.

Christmas is a time to

  • watch babies experience their first of many Christmas celebrations;
  • meet shy new significant others and introduce them to crazy, loud, busy family;
  • see Great Uncle Joe pretend to be gruff when he truly is a teddy bear at heart;
  • hear children shriek with joy as they begin their own journey, story, and generation of new traditions and experiences;
  • welcome new people into the family and make strangers feel like family;
  • remember the reason we have this Christmas season, the birth of Christ, our Redeemer.

Conversations are a vital part of being family and close friends. We recall and laugh about our past celebrations, burnt feast, and disagree over which of Grandma Mattie Lou’s desserts should be “the best in show”. There may be tears, laughter, and raised voices all in the same conversation. During this season we take time to remember those who are with Jesus and those who are out-of-touch. These conversations bind us as family.

Being an author is what God created me to be. He wants me to capture the joy, love, and family.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds me to stay in the moment because there is a time for everything. “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every [a]event under heaven—” NASB

As my family’s scribe, I’m the story-keeper, the one who remember the details and scribbles in journals the precious recollections for future generations.  Soon enough it will be time to say good-bye to the out-of-town family and friends and begin to write down all the experiences.

My advice author friends take the time to experience the life around you and then capture the moments with words for the generations to come.


Dee Dee LakeDeeDee Lake is the Marriage Expert, although, she’s only be married for thirty-five years. She speaks and writes about taking your marriage and relationships from ordinary to extraordinary. DeeDee also works with CrossRiver Media as their Author Relations Coordinator. A job she loves because she connects and encourages other authors.

Connect with Dee Dee

Website       Facebook


Holiday, turkey dinner, family

Today, one of our leadership team, Jeanie Jacobson, shares one of her recent

Chicken Soup for the Soul stories about seeking perfection at the holidays. 

The kitchen’s mustard-yellow oven mocked me from its 1970’s built-in perch. I glared at the offensive appliance, roughly the size of a child’s easy-bake oven. Next week our entire family would arrive for Thanksgiving dinner in our new home. I wanted everything to be perfect, but there was no way to fit a turkey in that tiny oven. Who lived here before us? Elves?

My husband Jake shuffled into the room. “It’s midnight. What’s wrong?”

“Why did the builders put a miniature stove in a large home?” I fumed. “I can’t make a perfect Thanksgiving turkey in this stupid thing.”

Jake rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Let’s replace it.”

My heart did a momentary happy dance before reality crashed in. “We just moved. We don’t have funds for a new one.”

Jake wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “We’ll buy a used one.” He gestured to my nemesis. “We can rip this out now if you want.”

At midnight, the idea made perfect sense. We grabbed tools, removed the old built-in appliance, and cleaned the decades of greasy dirt left behind.

The next morning we found an online ad proclaiming, “New stove for sale. $60.”

Hopping into our pickup, we drove over for a look. A friendly young couple met us at the door and led us around back to large shed. The husband said, “We bought this stove back home in Iowa, but there was already one here when we moved in last year. This one’s just been sittin’ in the shed, so we figured to sell it.”

I swiped a layer of dust off the appliance with my finger. Underneath it the white stove gleamed. It looked perfect. Since sixty dollars comprised our entire remodel budget, we bought it. The two men loaded it into the truck, and Jake and I drove home congratulating ourselves on finding a bargain.

Once we maneuvered the stove into the kitchen, we notice an odd smell.

“It probably just needs a good cleaning,” I said. We scrubbed every inch we could reach, inside and out, but the odor increased.

As the stench permeated the entire house, Jake shared his horrible realization. “I think a dead mouse is stuck in the insulation, but I can’t get to it without ripping the stove apart.”

“Holiday guest expect aromas like pine boughs or gingerbread. Our house reeks of rodent carcass. We need to do something,” I whined.

So we ran the self-cleaning feature repeatedly every day.

By Thanksgiving the stink had dissipated. Mostly. I felt confident that by the time our guests arrived, the delectable scent of perfectly roasted turkey would cover any lingering odor.

Humming, I stuffed the turkey, slid it into the new range and inspected the side dishes. Ruby colored cranberry sauce, potatoes waiting to be mashed, pumpkin pies from the bakery all passed the perfection inspection.

The freshly cleaned house looked perfect, so I dressed, put on makeup, and did my hair. I wanted to look perfect too. Or as perfect as possible despite wrinkles and acne.

As family members arrived we greeted them, gave the house tour, then sat together, chatting and laughing. After a time Jake pulled me aside. “Honey, the turkey isn’t cooking.”

I hurried to the kitchen and opened the stove door. The huge raw turkey perched sadly in the cold oven.

Agh! Had I burned out the stove with repeated mouse cremations? I stood paralyzed, dismay tap dancing across my brain.

My eagle-eyed mom glided into the kitchen and within seconds pointed out the problem. “Sweetheart, it will cook faster if you turn on the oven.” She tapped the knob, firmly fixed in the “off” position.

Panic set in. “What are we going to do? There’s a house full of people and nothing to feed them except raw turkey!”

Jake sauntered downstairs and brought up large ham from the basement fridge. At my questioning look he winked. “I wanted it on hand just in case.”

And he was perfectly right, as usual.

That Thanksgiving our family ate ham sandwiches. And ribbed me unmercifully about not turning on the stove.

Although far from what I’d envisioned, that Thanksgiving was perfect in its own way. While munching my sandwich, I realized I didn’t need to strive for magazine-perfect food presentations or a picture perfect house.

My focus didn’t need to be on perfection, but rather gratefulness. I looked around the table and thanked God for the people in my life.

My husband who showed me love in unexpected ways, like ripping out a stove because it bothered me. And having the foresight to tuck away an emergency ham.

My mother who still taught me cooking basics–like flipping the knob to the “on” setting.

And our precious daughter and grandson, siblings, cousins. I silently thanked God for the perfect blessing of having family together.

We invited everyone back for Christmas. This time, rather than trying to make everything perfect, we decided to skip the fancy turkey dinner and offer crockpots of soup instead.

I even made sure to turn the dials onto the “high” setting so the soup would cook in time for Christmas dinner.

Only one thing would have made those crockpots of soup more perfect.

If I’d remembered to plug them in.


Jeanie Jacobson

Jeanie Jacobson is on the leadership team of the Wordsowers Christian Writers group. Her writing shares hope, humor, and Godly encouragement. In addition to her book, Fast Fixes for the Christian Pack-Rat, she’s published in the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul releases, magazines like Focus on the Family and Live, and various compilations.

Connect with Jeanie

Website  Facebook







Photo Credit: Wirdefalks via Pixabay

Today, we welcome Wordsower Clarissa Ruth.

Clarissa RuthClarissa Ruth is a storyteller, adventure-loving healer, and an undeserving bride of Jesus Christ. The outdoors may find her star-gazing while whispering a prayer, or weaving a morning dance of praise barefoot on the grass. Indoors, words are her playground. When this world becomes boring, she travels, via her Scriptorium, to Cheled and all the adventures her fantasy world contains. She’s written one of these epic tales down, and more books are to follow. Though writing stories of freedom is her passion, she is lost for words without Jesus.

Connect with Clarissa:    Website    Facebook    Twitter


Enjoy Clarissa’s Christmas poetry…

Thank you for stopping by today! If you enjoyed Clarissa’s poetry, please share this post with your friends.

May the peace of this season fill your home.



Photo Credits: Pixabay