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Writing, writing during the holidays, Brenda Anderson

Today, we welcome Brenda Anderson, author of life-affirming fiction. She has some great tips to share with us about writing during the holiday season.

When considering writing on this topic, admittedly, I doubted I could do it justice. After all, writing during the holiday season has been very difficult over the years. Yet, I’ve always met my deadlines.

This year I’ve got a few different deadlines. My first draft of my current work-in-progress needs to be completed by the end of November. And then I’ll need it back from my critique partners by the end of December when it goes to my editor. In the meantime, I should begin my next book which has a first draft deadline of April 1. Eek! So, no resting in December.

The question then is, How can I get writing in and make the holidays special? Here are a few suggestions that help me:

Make a To-Do List: Include everything that you’d like to accomplish on this list. Don’t worry about time constraints … yet. And don’t forget to include some R&R and maybe a Hallmark Christmas movie or two to help you wind down.

Check Your Calendar: Don’t forget about church and concerts and sporting events and family celebrations and other time-fillers.

Establish Your Priorities: What absolutely needs to get done? How many words per day? Work? Shopping? Decorating? Cleaning? Cooking? Serving? Wrapping? What’s less important? What can be set aside or done last minute?

Set Specific Goals: I want to write a 70,000+ word first draft by April 1, 2019. If I start on December 1, that gives me eighteen weeks. To write 70,000 words, I would have to average 3889 words per week. Considering I typically type 1000+ words per day, that means I should spend four days per week writing. As I like to reserve weekends for family that gives me one full day each week to focus on other tasks.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected: Unplanned events, problems, list additions always crop up. Go into the holiday season knowing that they will happen, so you’re not completely taken aback when they do show up.

Give Yourself Grace: If you don’t mark off everything on your list, that’s okay! If your goal was a thousand words a day and you “only” wrote 900, that’s still fantastic! Give yourself the grace to say you did your best, and don’t beat yourself up over it. Rather, applaud yourself for what you did accomplish.

Spend Time Praying and in the Word. I’m uncomfortable adding this to the To-Do List as then it becomes something that you just tick off on a box and then it becomes all about religion and not relationship. But if you get nothing else done this season, when you pray and read God’s Word you’ve gotten the most important things done.

Remember What’s Important: It’s so easy getting caught up in the busyness of the holiday season that we forget what it’s all about: Celebrating Jesus Birth! Faith, Family, and Friends are far more important than any item you can cross off on a list, so make them your focus.

Hope you all have a very blessed Christmas!

Author Brenda AndersonBrenda S. Anderson writes gritty and authentic, life-affirming fiction. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, and is Past-President of the ACFW Minnesota chapter, MN-NICE, the 2016 ACFW Chapter of the Year. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, theater, roller coasters, and baseball, and she loves watching movies with her family. She resides in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area with her husband of 31 years, their three children, and one sassy cat.

Connect with Brenda: Website   Facebook   Twitter   Pinterest   Goodreads  

Sign up for Brenda’s newsletter

For the holiday season, enjoy Brenda’s book, Hungry for Home                          A Different Kind of Christmas Story…

Hungry … Homeless … Heartbroken

After a troubling encounter with a pregnant teen, Sheila Peterson-Brooks hurries from the crisis pregnancy center into the frigid Minnesota winter where she is mugged and left for dead. After a frantic search, Richard, her husband, finds her, and the police quickly nab the mugger …

A hungry, homeless teen.
The brother of the pregnant girl Sheila had just counseled.

The girl pleads for her brother, and Sheila and Richard choose not to press charges. Instead, they open their home to the boy, a move that could cost them their possessions, and their hearts.

And, in the process, teach them the true meaning of home.

Get your copy today on  Amazon     Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited




The Little Things by Catherine Brakefield

It's the Little Things by Catherine Brakefield

The little things are what get a chuckle out of me and inspire me during a crazy day. The wet kiss plastered on my cheek by my three-year-old granddaughter. The toothless grin generated from a full tummy and dry diaper from my three-month-old granddaughter. Then there’s that spontaneous review which not only generates a smile, but truly inspires my day!

Why is a review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Goodreads so inspiring? Because you, dear readers, are every writer’s employer, and a review is like an unexpected bonus check.

Writers can feel inspired to reach unfathomable heights by our fictional characters. Now don’t call in the psychiatrists just yet, first here me out.

Writers live a unique life. We spend countless hours in what we could label “solitary confinement”. Yes, in our padded world of make-believe, the only voices we hear are those in our imagination of our characters. Strange to say, a writer does not feel alone while in the company of their characters’ antics.

We tap away patiently on our keyboard and pour in the hours, days, and months of research so our fictional novel sings with realism. We want our imaginary characters to walk and talk with vitality, vividness, and validity. Then, like a mother caressing her newborn child, we eagerly await the debut of our new creation to the world.

The writer’s key desire is to make historical and modern-day romances sound like the characters live. That they are sitting in the next room, waiting to hear your questions. Check out Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice; Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind. After eighty plus years, people continue to speak about these awesome novels. Talk about imaginary characters coming alive!

A writer knows that they have achieved their ultimate goal in creating a superb novel, through readers communicating their emotional experience to others. Readers can either verbally communicate this to the writer or take time to write their review on Amazon and other search engines.

Would you enjoy preparing for an Easter pageant, pile on the hours in rehearsals for weeks and months, and—then play to an empty auditorium? A writer’s applause comes in the way of reviews. Readers, as I mentioned before, are the writer’s employers, and they convey to the writer if a particular novel has accomplished its goal, by giving out a bonus, telling others about your emotional experience.

Yes, it is the little things in life that inspire us to meet each day with enthusiasm. Our grandchild’s first steps, the antics of make-believe characters, or the finished product of years of work framed in a provoking cover and bound with the author’s prayer.

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season

we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 NKJV

Inspiration can come in many forms, but the best is a hug, a kind word,

and for satisfied readers to take time to give out bonuses. God Bless!


Catherine says, “My readers inspire my writing!”

She is the author of three faith-based historical romances; Wilted Dandelions; a four book Destiny series, Swept into Destiny, and Destiny’s Whirlwind scheduled for April 17, 2018 release. She has written two pictorial history books: Images of America: The Lapeer Area, and Images of America: Eastern Lapeer County.
Her short stories have been published in Guidepost Books True Stories of Extraordinary Answers to Prayer,  Unexpected Answers and Desires of Your Heart; Baker Books, Revell, The Dog Next Door, Horse of my Heart, and Dogs/Rescue scheduled for October, 2018 publication; CrossRiver Media Publishers, The Benefit Package and Abba’s Promise; Bethany House Publishers, Jesus Talked to me Today.

She enjoys swimming and horseback riding and lives in Addison Township with her husband and their Arabian horses. Her children now grown and married, she and Edward are the blessed recipients of two handsome grandsons and two beautiful granddaughters!

Connect with Catherine on her Website and on  Facebook

Releasing April 17th: Destiny’s Whirlwind

Collina McConnell is thrust from adolescence to adulthood shortly before the Spanish-American War erupts when she promises her dying father she will manage their estate in Emerald, Kentucky. But her father dies before disclosing the mystery behind his legacy for Shushan.

Rough Rider Franklin Long offers his help till that fateful day he leaves for Cuba, then a disgruntled in-law and a vindictive lawyer places the McConnell clan in the clutches of life’s tangled web of deception and greed. The words of Esther 8:6 ring in Collina’s thoughts. “How can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people?”

Get your copy today on Amazon

A Wordsowers review by Clarissa Ruth

Destiny’s Whirlwind is a tale of heart and grit straight out of post-Civil War Kentucky. Likable characters face their challenges with faith and courage, but at times enjoy the beauty of a glittering backdrop, sometimes of natural splendor, other times of the shared luxury of wealthy friends. With frequent nods to Scripture and examples of sustaining faith, this novel is overtly Christian in a way that generally does not preach. Though romantic, unexpected twists, engaging drama and a bit of action add extra layers of interest to the tale. From the beginning, the story caught my attention, drawing me into the world through its details: from simple farm life, to the exploits of patriots. At times I struggled to follow the flow of individual conversations or events, as if part of the picture were missing. A more thorough process of writer editing with reader input would cure many a hiccup in the story’s flow. Still, the narrative is strong enough to pull a reader around these issues as the unconventional romance unfolds. Along the way, you may find yourself rooting not only for the hero and heroine, but also for the country in which they, and we, live. Patriotism flavors this book with a vibrant taste of why we can be proud to be Americans.

Disclaimer: A review copy was provided by the publisher for a fair and honest review.

About our reviewer:

Clarissa RuthClarissa Ruth is a storyteller, adventure-loving healer, and an undeserving bride of Jesus Christ. The outdoors may find her star-gazing while whispering a prayer,or weaving a morning dance of praise barefoot on the grass. Indoors, words are her playground. When this world becomes boring, she travels, via her Scriptorium, to Cheled and all the adventures her fantasy world contains. She’s written one of these epic tales down, and more books are to follow. Though writing stories of freedom is her passion, she is lost for words without Jesus.

Connect with Clarissa on her WEBSITE.


Sally Jadlow and Deer Hunting

Sally JadlowSally Jadlow is the author of ten books. Her miracle series, God’s Little Miracle Book (I, II, & III) has been recorded by Sally this past year. There is a growing number of people using audio books these days so we need to keep up with the markets.

Check out her website at:

Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year. A student recently gave me a very helpful book. It’s a thesaurus with the definitions of the alternative words all in one place. “Choose the Right Word by S.I. Hayakawa. (Second Edition)”

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? Marketing. It’s a little like going on a deer hunt and finding few tracks.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Exodus 4:12 “Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say .”

At this year’s conference, Sally teaches

Publish Your Book in Audio and What’s at the End of Your Pen?

Deb Butterfield Talks Learning Curves

Debra L ButterfieldDebra L Butterfield is the author of four books, which include 7 Cheat Sheets to Cut Editing Costs, and Carried by Grace: a Guide for Mothers of Victims of Sexual Abuse. She is a freelance editor and writing coach as well as an editor for CrossRiver Media Group publishing house. Debra has been freelance editing since 2010 and joined CrossRiver Media Group in 2014. Her editorial credits include three award winners: Wilted Dandelions, This I Know, and Bethany’s Calendar. She is a former copywriter for Focus on the Family.

Check out her website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? I write because I’m a servant and teacher at heart. I want to help others overcome situations in their lives, which is why I wrote Carried by Grace. But I also write books like 7 Cheat Sheets to teach the craft of writing and editing and enable writers to become better writers.

Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing. I’ve been editing a book for a college professor this past year. He talks about how our brain works, which is absolutely fascinating. Through this I’ve learned how to help myself set better goals and reach those goals. One tidbit was about using constructive motivation rather than restrictive motivation. I talk about what each is in a video on my YouTube channel.

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? By far, the marketing. It changes almost as fast as technology does—the recent changes in Facebook as a case in point. That means a constant learning curve and the time spent to learn it and implement it, and conversely, less time to write and teach.

At this year’s writer’s conference, Deb will be teaching a workshop,

 Building That All-Important Email List. 

She’ll also be teaching

The Five Essentials to Snag a Publisher.

RJ Thesman Shares Her Strategy for Creative Production

RJ ThesmanRJ Thesman is the author of 10 books and 700+ articles, and her work has been included in 14 anthologies. She is also a Certified Writing Coach who helps other writers birth their words. Thesman writes from the heartland of Kansas where she lives with her adult son and an elderly cat. She enjoys teaching workshops, gardening and cooking, especially anything with blueberries.

Check out her website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? I’ve been writing since I was a child. I can’t NOT write.
Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing. Frontload the week. Do your most creative work on Mon-Wed, then do the marketing and admin work when you’re tired on Thurs-Sat.
Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year. The book by Joanna Penn, “How to Market Your Book”
What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? Neither
Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome? Not yet.
Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Psalm 54:4 “God is my helper and ally; the Lord is my upholder and is with them who uphold my life” (Amplified)

RJ Thesman Coaching SessionBe sure to check out RJ’s workshops at this year’s conference:

Finding Your Writing PlanThe Missing Piece to the Marketing Puzzle.

This year RJ’s offering her coaching skills. Signup today!

Pam Morgan Shares about Pushing Through Writers Block

Pam MorganPam Morgan is a Christian speaker, author, and recording artist who has appeared on various radio and television shows, including Oprah. She and her singer/songwriter husband, Phil, have released fifteen gospel CDs and travel nationwide, inspiring audiences from Alaska to the Caribbean. Although Pam enjoys photography, scrapbooking, teaching women’s bible study, French Vanilla coffee, and (of course) chocolate, she says nothing compares to her two favorite pastimes: sharing the hope of Christ and spending time with her beloved husband and their two young adult daughters, Kayla and Alisha, at home in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Check out Pam’s website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? Honestly, I don’t enjoy writing. I write because I need to write. I have a passion to encourage others by sharing what Christ has done for me, and I prefer to do that through the spoken, not written word, but I also know that a book or article can reach many more people than I can personally. And so, I write…when I must. 🙂

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? It depends on the day, but mostly marketing.

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome? Yes. Usually, my writer’s block is either lack of desire or physical exhaustion. If I lack the motivation to write, listening to music, reading Scripture or reading a favorite author can help. If I’m just tired, I hang it up for the day and pray for inspiration tomorrow.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Isaiah 40:31 – They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…

Be sure to check out Pam’s workshop at this year’s conference:

Speak Up! You Have a Great Book!

Catherine says, “My readers inspire my writing!”

Catherine is the author of three faith-based historical romances; Wilted Dandelions; a four book Destiny series, Swept into Destiny, and Destiny’s Whirlwind scheduled for April 17, 2018 release. She has written two pictorial history books: Images of America: The Lapeer Area, and Images of America: Eastern Lapeer County. 

Her short stories have been published in Guidepost Books True Stories of Extraordinary Answers to Prayer,  Unexpected Answers and Desires of Your Heart; Baker Books, Revell, Th

e Dog Next Door, Horse of my Heart, and Dogs/Rescue scheduled for October, 2018 publication; CrossRiver Media Publishers, The Benefit Package and Abba’s Promise; Bethany House Publishers, Jesus Talked to me Today.

She enjoys swimming and horseback riding and lives in Addison Township with her husband and their Arabian horses. Her children now grown and married, she and Edward are the blessed recipients of two handsome grandsons and two beautiful granddaughters!

Connect with Catherine on her Website and on  Facebook

Swept into Destiny

 One brave decision leads to serious consequences.

Maggie Gatlan is secretly educating the slaves at Spirit Wind Manor. But the manor’s serenity is soon threatened by abolitionist John Brown. A new republic looms ahead with Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, and her countrymen’s anger escalates as secession spreads across the southern states.

With the fires of civil war glowing on the horizon, Maggie is swept into its embers, realizing she is in love with the manor’s hardworking, handsome Irishman Ben McConnell.

Ben joins the Union Army and Maggie is forced to call him her enemy. An unexpected chain of events leads her into choosing where her loyalties lie. Conscience and consequence – did she care more for Ben or for her beloved South?

As the battle between North and South rages, Maggie is torn. Was Ben right? Had this Irish immigrant perceived the truth of what God had predestined for America?

Review by Angela D. Meyer:

Ushered into life around the time of the Civil War, you will experience the joys, heartache, and emotions of the era through the eyes of Maggie Gatlan. Written with great attention to details that bring this time alive, Swept into Destiny will give you a greater understanding into the hearts of those who loved the south and struggled with the reality of the Civil War that tore families apart and divided friend from friend.

Meet, the author, Catherine Brakefield

Why did you choose to write historical novels? I choose to write historical fiction because of my love affair for anything history. During my school years, my attention was American History. I remember thinking of it as America’s love relationship with God and His Savior, Jesus Christ.

I was reared when public schools recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang all stanzas of “My Country ’tis of Thee”. A picture of George Washington kneeling in the snow next to his dapple-grey Thoroughbred hung in our school auditorium. We were taught our founding fathers declared their sovereign pledge to God, and we sang songs in our music classes like “God Bless America” and the “National Anthem.” Through my novels, I hope to give this generation the experience of patriotism I felt while growing up.

Where do you do your research? I start my research reading old history books: Freedom’s Frontier, copyright 1948, Backgrounds of American Freedom copyright 1953, based on The Past Lives Again, copyright 1937. These history books were written before political correctness. I have a better chance of knowing how people thought and felt during America’s earlier years. I interview people who lived or knew someone who lived during the era of my books. I check on their facts and have always found what they told me to be correct.

How do you incorporate your research into your story without making it sound like a history lesson? When I incorporate these facts into my book, I recall my interviewees, their expressions, their chuckles, their tears, and their fears. History is about people, and I want foremost to make sure my readers see those people first and the history that molded their lives and our beloved country in the background, not the foreground.

With this attitude in mind, you never bore your reader. You lift your reader up and plop them right inside your action, sort of like time travel, only your reader becomes the main character, laughing, scared out of their wits, and immersed in the romances of that era.

What is your favorite part about researching a historical novel? My favorite part about researching is the field trips. With Wilted Dandelions, my husband and I traveled the pathway my characters Rachael and Jonathan took through the wind tossed Nebraska plains, the Devil’s Gate of Wyoming, and the steep Red Canyon Mountains of South Pass.

With Swept into Destiny, we traveled to Maryville, Tennessee, where we drank in the mystique of the Smoky Mountains, the wisdom of Mr. Greatheart, and the stamina of the Irish immigrant. I have to admit, I opted out on the swamp experience!

In Into Destiny’s Whirlwind, I felt I had come home. My mother’s people embedded their roots in the rich soil of those blue grass hills where Thoroughbreds thrived and the grit of its people was measured by their determination. And where the Gibson Era continues to inspire and romance a new generation.

Do you have any tips for the author researching a historical novel? Believe Matthew 7:7 “…seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.” Seek God’s will for your lives. It might not be what you wanted—“what you what men to do to you, do also to them”—but it will be rewarding. Our forefathers left an imprint of blood upon the stairway leading to heaven for us to follow.

Other books by Catherine

Wilted Dandelions

High-spirited Rachael Rothburn is eager to leave her luxurious life in Buffalo, New York, to share the gospel with Native Americans in the Oregon Territory. But the missionary alliance requires their missionaries to be married and Rachael has no husband or suitors.

When Dr. Jonathan Wheaton, another missionary hopeful, learns about the restriction, he is desperate to find a wife. He offers Rachael a marriage of convenience and she agrees.

After a hasty wedding the pair sets off for the west knowing little about each other. Together they battle raging rivers, hostile Indians, sickness, treacherous mountain trails, and more. But as the seeds of love begin to grow, Jonathan’s jealousy and pride threaten to be an even greater danger than anything they find in the west. Can they overcome the challenges and discover a true and lasting love?

Get your copy of Wilted Dandelions

Amazon   Barnes and Noble

Coming April 17th: Destiny’s Whirlwind

Collina McConnell is thrust from adolescence to adulthood shortly before the Spanish-American War erupts when she promises her dying father she will manage their estate in Emerald, Kentucky. But her father dies before disclosing the mystery behind his legacy for Shushan.

Rough Rider Franklin Long offers his help till that fateful day he leaves for Cuba, then a disgruntled in-law and a vindictive lawyer places the McConnell clan in the clutches of life’s tangled web of deception and greed. The words of Esther 8:6 ring in Collina’s thoughts. “How can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people?”

Phil Morgan Shares Horn Tooting Advice

Phil MorganPhil Morgan along with his wife Pam have travelled the country in full-time music ministry since 1996, appearing on various radio and television programs including Oprah, Montel, and the 700 Club. Phil has written two books and hundreds of songs, plus a weekly email devotion than highlights his humorous and creative way of expressing Biblical truth. Most recently, Phil has accepted a staff writing position with Valley Songs, the publishing division of Chapel Valley Music in Nashville.

For more information, check out Phil’s website at

What is your motivation? My motivation for writing is always the listener or reader. I enjoy the craft of saying something in a way that is original and insightful, but my biggest reward is when God is able to use something I’ve written to reach an individual with the exact message He has for them.

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing?  I don’t know of any writers who enjoy marketing. Writers tend to be very self conscious and hate to “toot their own horn.” Marketing is necessary for anyone to know what we’ve written, but I think we all would love for someone to take that job off our plate. If marketing lights your fire, come and see me. I may just have a job for you!

How do you juggle your life between family and writing? It’s easy for writing to take a backseat to family, work, life, etc. I find I have to schedule writing time and put it on my calendar. As a songwriter, scheduling time to write with someone else really keeps me on track. For solo writing, I have to set deadlines for myself and stick to them.

Be sure to check out Phil’s workshop at this year’s conference,

INSPIRATION – Where to find it and what to do with it.

Award-Winning Photographer Pat Mingarelli

Returns for Wordsowers 2018!

Pat Mingarelli, Award-Winning Photographer

Pat Mingarelli: I am an award-winning nature photographer with a unique kind of creation ministry. As an outdoor photographer I’ve spent countless hours observing God’s hand in creation. In those time’s I’ve learned that God speaks to us through His creation and the creation speaks to us about God. You can click here to learn more about my creation ministry.

The Creation Speaks ministry examines how nature speaks to our heart, soul and mind about God.


If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say?  I have a message God has given me to touch others. I want celebrate and glorify God as creator and to encourage people in the daily walk with Him. In today’s world we are detached from creation. We all need to get outside more. Creation has plenty to tell us about God.

Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year.  I really like Michael Hyatt and his Platform University

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome?  Yes, and I just start writing anyway. Eventually, the right thoughts just come together.

Pat returns as our on-site photographer, offering photography sessions during this year’s conference.

Book your session now!

Tosca Lee Returns for the

Wordsowers 2018 Conference!

Tosca Lee, NY Times Best-Selling AuthorTosca Lee is the award-winning, New York Times, CBA and Indie bestselling author of THE PROGENY, FIRSTBORN, ISCARIOT, THE LEGEND OF SHEBA, DEMON: A MEMOIR, HAVAH: THE STORY OF EVE, and the Books of Mortals series with New York Times bestseller Ted Dekker (FORBIDDEN, MORTAL, SOVEREIGN). Her books have won the Gold Medallion, the Christian Retailer’s Choice Award, Forward Magazine’s Book of the Year Silver and Bronze, and have finaled for numerous others, including a second Gold Medallion and two Christy awards. You can find Tosca at, on social media, or hanging around the snack table. Be sure to check out ISMENI, the free e-short prequel to THE LEGEND OF SHEBA!

“Stories hand-crafted to transport you to other times and places—and adventures with twists you won’t see coming!” –Tosca Lee

Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing.  Have fun—and make it fun for others.

Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year.  My husband. He keeps me sane, helps me brainstorm, and reminds me not to take everything so seriously (see above).

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? First drafts!

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome?  I find that “writes block” is a catch-all phrase for mental resistance and/or a lack of preparation—both items I’ve experienced. I hash it out with a trusted confidante, get up to do something mundane or, barring all else, give myself permission to write shoddily and work through it.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year?  The simple knowledge that I am made in the image of the most creative Being in the universe—the same One who created mighty mountains… and strange, whimsical sea creatures.

How do you juggle your life between family and writing?  A lot of late hours, my friend. A lot of late night hours.

Tosca will be at this years’ Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference in April. Check out her workshops. 

To Write or Not to Write: Susan King

Over the years, Susan King continues to be one of the most frequently requested conference speakers within the Wordsowers community. We are blessed that once again, she will be joining us. This year, her workshops include: Making it Look Easy – Achieving Excellent Style in any Genre, and  Turning Personal Experience into a Devotional Message.

Susan King, Associate Editor - The Upper RoomSusan King: For over 23 years, Associate Editor Susan King has served at The Upper Room, a daily-devotional magazine that reaches millions of readers in more than 100 countries. One of her greatest joys has been representing The Upper Room every year at several of 23 different Christian writers’ conferences in the U.S. and Canada. Two years ago, she retired from 27 years of teaching English and feature-writing classes—most recently for Lipscomb University but also for Biola University and Abilene Christian University. Formerly, she served as writer, book editor, and radio-program producer/on-air talent for The Institute of Scriptural Psychology; wrote magazine features as a freelance writer; and functioned as a seminar facilitator in leadership and group dynamics.

Susan lives in Franklin, Tennessee with her husband Joe. Her three adult children live in three different states, and she is delighted that one of them still lives in Franklin—with his wife and Susan and Joe’s two young grandsons.

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say?  At the risk of using a cliché, I can’t NOT write. I am a very opinionated person and give much critical thinking in arriving at my opinions so I believe that others can benefit from reading those opinions. Thus, I write feature articles (rather than fiction—probably because fiction may communicate the same thing but does so way too subtly!)

Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing.  Early on, the advice to start out with magazine writing rather than clinging doggedly to writing a book made all the difference for me.

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome?  Everyone struggles with this at some time or another. The best way for me is to freewrite/brainstorm. With the former, you put the topic at the top of the page and then write everything that comes into your mind for 10-15 minutes, non-stop, with no editing/correcting/hesitation. With the latter, the information is in the form of a list rather than one long paragraph. Both of these tend to overcome the tyranny of the blank page/computer screen and not only help me to overcome writer’s block but also give me ideas on the topic that I might not have explored before.

Susan will be at this years’ Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference in April.  Be sure to sign up to talk with her and sit in on her workshops. 

Let’s start off this year’s pre-conference interviews

with the effervescent Laree Lindburg!

Laree Lindburg

Laree Lindburg (Owner/Manager): Before her sole procurement of Electric Moon Publishing, LLC., Laree signed with a literary agent and published devotions and articles. She has worked as a grant writer for a non-profit project, a technical writer for a media company, an e-book design expert for various publishing companies, and a ghostwriter, re-writer, and editor for a law firm.

The EMoon team has assisted over 100+ clients in various stages of publishing and business development. She and her crew operate a full-service collaborative/hybrid publishing place for indie authors, ministries, and organizations.

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say?  To inform. To entertain. To pass the time. To teach my children. I write as a way to record my thoughts, feelings, and prayers. An act of worship.

Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing. Attend conferences–especially the author-friendly ones like the WCWC. When you have an opportunity to meet and talk shop with other authors and experienced professionals in your field of interest–do it!

Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year? I have been reading through “Draw the Circle” by Mark Batterson. Sure, I may not agree with everything Mr. Batterson writes, however, the overall principles of submission, confession, faith-increasing, bold prayer has impacted me personally and professionally. I’ve also made strides to meet with two other industry professionals on a semi-regular basis to discuss writing/publishing/business issues. This has been most helpful to me, not to mention fun!

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? Hmmm… I am coming from the publishing side, so I’d say both, but more so marketing. Authors, whether traditionally published or indie published, have a difficult time grasping the truth that book marketing is heavily upon their shoulders. Others can assist in the venture, but no one is as invested in your work as you are. No one can sell your book like you can. So, be prepared and have a plan. 🙂

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome? I do. I usually just write anyway–and pray. The outcome may be poor, but the perseverance builds stamina and strengthens resolve.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? A word I have been meditating on lately is “decrease.” This is based on John 3:30 when John the Baptist explains to his disciples what must happen to him. “He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.” The term “decrease” should be applied directly to our spiritual journey foremost then also perhaps stretched in concept to our physical lives–decreasing in selfish sins, media intake, food consumption, extraneous purchases, etc. I long to be less of me and more of Christ. Things work out so much better this way. 🙂

How do you juggle your life between family and writing? What a great question! And so terribly difficult to answer. I’ve recently realized that I put too much emphasis on my ability to multi-task which no one can truly do well–something or someone always suffers. And instead, my goal is to make strides to be more present in one spot at a time. So, I block off specific sections of the day to work, and when I am not at my desk, I try my best to curb the temptation to check work email or write a blog post and in turn be ‘present’ with my family. It’s all a work-in-progress!

Laree will be at this years’ Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference in April. 

Be sure to stop by her table.