Please join us as Wordsowers favorite, author and editor Lee Warren, shares his expertise.
Are you ready to get serious about establishing a writing routine? National Novel Writing Month starts November 1. It’s the perfect time to fast draft the manuscript you’ve been thinking about. Yes, you can write a first draft in thirty days, even with a day job or other responsibilities. During this month’s meeting we will talk about the mindset you will need to pull it off, then we will get practical.
Award winning author Lee Warren has written 19 books and hundreds of articles for various newspapers, magazines and websites. He’s also a contract editor for Barbour Publishing and Electric Moon Publishing, and is on staff with The Christian Communicator manuscript critique service.
Lee has taught at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, the Glorieta Christians Writers Conference, the CLASSeminars Christian Writers Conference, the Heart of America Christian Writers Conference, the Write-to-Publish Christian Writers Conference, the Nebraska Writers Guild Conference and the Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference. Lee also served on the Wordsowers leadership committee for an extended period, and continues to be an invaluable resource for the group.
Get a jump on your writing with Lee’s superlative resource, Write That Book in 30 Days.
Please note: October wraps up our monthly Zoom meetings for 2022. We’ll take our normal November/December holiday break so members can enjoy time with family, friends, and most important–with the Lord. We hope to see you for the last Wordsowers meeting of 2022, October 27th at 7:00 pm CST!
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.
We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm CST. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom while reevaluating when we can resume in-person meetings in 2023.
We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.
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