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Category: WordSowers Events & Happenings

Debra L Butterfield

Deb Butterfield is the author of four books, which include 7 Cheat Sheets to Cut Editing Costs, and Carried by Grace: a Guide for Mothers of Victims of Sexual Abuse. She is a freelance editor and writing coach as well as an editor for CrossRiver Media Group publishing house. Debra has been a freelance editing since 2010 and joined CrossRiver Media Group in 2014. Her editorial credits include three award winners: Wilted Dandelions, This I Know, and Bethany’s Calendar. She is a former copywriter for Focus on the Family.

Deb will be teaching two workshops: The Five Essentials to Every Manuscript Submission and Marketing Through the Use of Story. Visit the workshop page to learn more.

We asked Deb a few questions to help you get to know her.

Do you set goals for the new year? If so, does it help you produce more? Most definitely I set goals! Having no goals is like taking a vacation with no destination—you get nowhere. Goals keep me focused on what’s important and show me what I’ve accomplished at the end of the period I’m measuring, be it a day, 90 days, or the year.

Do you have anything posted around your writing desk–a reminder of why you sit at a computer for hours on end? I have several things posted, mostly verses from the Bible that offer me encouragement in doing what God has called me to do. I am currently creating a vision board that I will put on the wall next to my desk to keep my goals and vision daily in front of me, spurring me on to bring those things into my life.

Do you read for relaxation? If so, what authors do you keep close by? One would think that as an editor I get my fill of reading when I spend all day reading manuscripts. But I’ve always loved reading, and reading for pleasure is important to me. It’s relaxing, but I also learn about writing from reading other authors. I like mysteries; Rhys Bowen’s Her Royal Spyness series and M.C. Beaton’s Hamish Macbeth series are favorites. Mary Connealy’s westerns are always a treat, too!

Learn more about Debra on her website.

Sally Jadlow

For thirty years Sally Jadlow wrote poems and shoved them under the bed. At a newly-formed writer’s group at church twenty years ago she began to learn about a world of loving writers, helpful critique groups, and conferences. It wasn’t long before she tried her hand at writing short stories and devotionals.

In 2002, her first published book, Sonflower Seeds, a book of poetry, took 1st place at the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation contest. She has won many awards since then and published ten books.

Her newest historical novel, Hard Times in the Heartland received 1st place at the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation Conference in 2016. It is the third in The Late Sooner series.

She serves on the board of Heart of America Christian Writers’ Network, and teaches creative writing for Kansas City Writers Group. She is also a member of  Oklahoma Writers’ FederationMissouri Writers’ Guild, and Kansas Authors Club.

Sally will be teaching the workshops Convert Your Book into an Audio Book and Another Look at Poetry. Visit the workshop page to learn more.

We asked Sally a few questions to help you get to know her better.

Who influenced you most in your life?Dan Quisenberry, pitcher for the Royals, most profoundly influenced my writing career. He started a group at church for writers. Although I’d written poetry for twenty-five years, he directed me to writing groups in the city which gave me direction and room to grow.

Did a parent or grandparent say something to you that you have remembered for a lifetime? No matter what project we worked on, Grandma always said, “Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.”

Do you have a favorite scripture, if so, how has it helped you? I Corinthians 15:58, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

Visit Sally on her website to learn more about what she writes.

An author and software developer, Chris L. Meyers is a WordPress presenter, coach and web developer.

His books include a fantasy series called Legends of Aeo. The next two books are expected in 2019. Chris also penned Distraction-Free Writing, a short how-to book based on his time spent balancing family, a full-time job and long-term illness while writing a book.

Chris will be teaching the workshop Winning at WordPress. Visit the workshop page to learn more.

We asked Chris a few questions to help you get to know him better.

Do you set goals for the new year? If so, does it help you produce more? Goals are a mixed bag for me. They’re good for helping me define my direction, but they’re bad if I take them too seriously. I aim somewhere, set some reasonable expectations, then go after it. Production can take care of itself.

What or who inspired you to become an author or singer or preacher? My wife. She never gave up on me and wouldn’t let me give up on myself.

How do you deal with writer’s block? For me, physical activity helps most with writer’s block. Get the blood pumping and get out of my own head for a bit.

What is your favorite part of a writing conference? Meeting other writers.

Visit Chris on his website to learn more about what he writes.

NL Sharp

N. L. Sharp has been writing for children for more than 20 years. Her first book, Today I’m Going Fishing with My Dad, was a Nebraska Golden Sower nominee. In 2003, Sharp created her own publishing company, Prairieland Press, to publish and market her books. Her debut book under that company, Effie’s Image, was a Nebraska Golden Sower nominee. Her second book, The Flower Girl / The Ring Bear: A Flip-Over Book, was a Nebraska Center for the Book Award winner. Sharp’s first novel for middle grade readers, Keeping Captain, was a winner in the children’s category in the 2017 Nebraska Center for the Book Awards.

Nancy will be teaching the workshop Writing for the Children’s Market. Visit the workshop page to learn more.

We asked Nancy a few questions to help you get to know her better.

Do you set goals for the new year? If so, does it help you produce more? I have found that yearly goals are too long for me–and make me think I have more time than I really have! I do much better setting quarterly goals and then dividing those goals into weekly and monthly mini-goals and projects. These seem to allow me to be more accountable and stay on track better, and, in the long run, more productive.

What or who inspired you to become an author or singer or preacher? I was fortunate enough to have attended a one-room country school, where our teacher read to us every day. That was my favorite part of the day. When our teacher read the book THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE to us, and I realized that you could be an author by just writing down the stories of your own life, I was hooked and knew that someday, I wanted to be a writer, just like Laura Ingalls Wilder!

How do you deal with writer’s block? Because I am a teacher, I have found the best way for me to overcome “writers’ block” is to give myself an assignment and a deadline–and the smaller the assignment (and the shorter the deadline) the better I will do. It is much easier for me to think about writing a scene or a character description than a novel–so I work on small steps–and try not to worry about the entire project at one time.

Do you have a favorite scripture, if so, how has it helped you? One of my favorite scriptures comes from Galatians 6: 1, 4-5, taken from THE MESSAGE. These words remind me that God calls us to do the creative best we can with the gifts we have been given and leave it to him to decide where those gifts will take us. //”Live creatively, friends. Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”

What is your favorite part of a writing conference? Networking and talking shop with other writers–something I don’t get to do at home!

Visit N.L. Sharp on her website to learn more about what she writes.

Tosca Lee, NY Times Best-Selling Author

Tosca Lee is the award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of The Line BetweenIscariot, The Legend of Sheba, Demon: a Memoir; Havah: the Story of Eve, The Progeny, Duology, and The Books of Mortals series with New York Times bestseller Ted Dekker. (FORBIDDEN, MORTAL, SOVEREIGN).

Her books have won the Gold Medallion, the Christian Retailer’s Choice Award, Forward Magazine’s Book of the Year Silver and Bronze, and have finaled for numerous others, including a second Gold Medallion and two Christy awards. You can find Tosca at, on social media, or hanging around the snack table. Be sure to check out ISMENI, the free e-short prequel to THE LEGEND OF SHEBA! Find it on Amazon.

Tosca will be teaching a two part workshop: Writing Unforgettable Characters. Visit the Workshop page to learn more.

We asked Tosca a few questions to help you get to know her a bit.

Tosca Lee What or who inspired you to become an author or singer or preacher? Reading books by great authors. I remember thinking, “Wow. That was awesome.” And not being able to stop thinking about the story or story world for hours or even days.

All of us have faced rejection, how do you (did you) deal with it at the time and now that you look back upon it? Rejection used to make me cold and clammy, but these days I consider it more a sign post than anything, pointing the way down the road—at least for this stretch of it—and to my ideal readership.

What is your favorite part of a writing conference? The people. Conferences are great for learning about the market and the craft. But one of the most valuable things you can take away from a conference is connections to new people to take the journey with you. I met so many of the authors I call “friend” today that way, and we’ve been able to encourage one another and weather the road together.

Visit Tosca’s website to learn more about Tosca and her books.

Instead of our usual library location, we’ll meet at 6pm at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

Are you hesitant to show samples of your writing to editors at the upcoming annual Wordsowers conference? If so, you’ll want to join us for the March meeting. Author and freelance editor Lee Warren will walk you through key writing principles that will help your work stand out if you implement them.

Please join us as workshop leader Lee Warren shares his expertise in this area. Lee has twenty years experience in the Christian publishing industry, both traditional and indie publishing, and has taught at writers conferences throughout the US.

He has written eighteen books and hundreds of articles for various magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Decision, Discipleship Journal, Light & Life, War Cry, Christian Single, Bible Study Magazine,, Today’s Christian, Breakaway, Clubhouse, Living Light News and many others.

Even if you aren’t planning to attend the writers conference, the material covered in this meeting will benefit you. Please join us and learn how to make your writing shine!

Again, instead of our usual library location, we’ll meet at 6pm at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

As much as Wordsowers would love to treat everyone to lobster and filet mignon, unfortunately dinner is not in our budget. This is a pay-for-yourself event.

As a writer who is a Christian, you long for your words to have lasting value. That certainly could happen with a book deal or an article that goes around the world. But what about preserving your family’s faith history so it lives on for generations to come? In this workshop, we’ll walk through practical ways to write and record your family’s faith history so you can leave behind one of the most important pieces of work you’ll ever do.

Please join us as workshop leader Lee Warren shares his insights. Lee has twenty years experience in the Christian publishing industry, both traditional and indie publishing, and has taught at writers conferences throughout the US.

He has written eighteen books and hundreds of articles for various magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Decision, Discipleship Journal, Light & Life, War Cry, Christian Single, Bible Study Magazine,, Today’s Christian, Breakaway, Clubhouse, Living Light News and many others.

After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.

The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

We are thrilled that so many registered during our half price special. We are now taking registrations at our new special rate of $65. Still a great deal. Share about Wordsowers conference with your friends.

Use #wordsowers2019 when you share the news about Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference.

Special Announcement

Because of interest in previous years, we have added an option for non-writing spouses who don’t wish to take in the local sights or hang out at their hotel, to attend our conference with our $50 spouse special –half off the full price registration. The price remains the same regardless of date of registration.

This price DOES include Friday night sessions, the keynote address as well as the workshops and snacks and coffee provided for paid registrants. It does NOT include one on ones or any of the add ons available for an extra charge to attendees.

If your spouse is also a writer, they will need to pay the normal rate for the conference. Thank you for your understanding and helping us to keep the overall cost of the conference at a reasonable price.

If you have already registered, and would like to take advantage of this special, feel free to use the short form to register you spouse. However to complete the purchase, you will still need to use the PayPal button on the registration page and choose the non-writing spouse special.

We are excited to see you all at the 7th Annual Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference!

Are you ready to come and be inspired? To connect with other writers? And to go home equipped to move to the next step on your writing journey?

Stop by our conference page and discover what we have planned for you at the conference or go directly to the Conference Registration page to claim your ½ price special.

We are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones April 26-27, 2019, in Omaha, Nebraska. The conference will be held in the same location as last year, at Grace Central Church.

Help us spread the word. Feel free to save the image below and share to wherever you hang out on social media!

Register now for the 2019 Wordsowers Conference!

See you soon!

Christian Writers Conference

Coming soon! Our Conference Half-price special!

Mark your calendar April 26-27, 2019 for Wordsowers 7th annual writers conference!

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or sign up for our newsletter to ensure you don’t miss our half-price announcement!

Interviews with workshop leaders, editors and publisher will be posted shortly!

Who is coming to the 2019 WCWC? Leave a comment below and tell us what you are looking forward to the most.

Often we go to meetings hoping to glean knowledge, to gain tangible help to propel us along. Sometime we find those insightful nuggets; sometimes we come up empty.

That’s why this Jan 24, 2019 kick-off meeting is all about you. What do you need to propel your writing forward?

This meeting is an open forum. We plan to invite the rest of 2019’s monthly speakers based on the needs presented at the January meeting.

Please feel free to bring a snack, beverage, and your input. This meeting is open to all.
After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.

The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.