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Category: WordSowers Events & Happenings

Writers are an inventive lot. This month’s meeting is a celebration sharing other facets of our creative lives.
Musician. Jewelry creator. Omaha tour guide. Baker. What’s your artistic avenue?

If you’ve attended a Wordsowers event (meeting, conference, or critique group) you’re eligible to showcase your specialty.

If you’ve never attended a Wordsowers event, please come to enjoy the gathering, learn more about your fellow writers, and perhaps discover new areas of interest for yourself.

Here’s how it works.
Each member will have approximately 3-5 minutes to share their specialty with the group. After that, we’ll “roam the room” to chat with the presenters individually.

If you’d like to share your creative outlet, please email so Pebbles and I can plan accordingly.

After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.–unless we’re too full from the baker’s goodies.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library,
9101 W. Dodge Rd. Omaha, Ne.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

Rand Hansen, speaker and financial organization issues expert, will address the business aspects of writing.

Should you use an EIN instead of your social security number?
What tax implications do writers face?
What resources are available to you?
Do you need to claim Amazon sales income on your Nebraska sales taxes? (Hint: the answer is “yes.”)

Join us for vital information about running your writing business.

After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library,
9101 W. Dodge Rd. Omaha, Ne.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

Pat Mingarelli has over 25 years of experience as a pro photographer. He teaches seminars and workshops at Metro Community College, Iowa Western Community College and the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium.

In addition, he posts daily to his website The Visual Bible Verse of the Day  and has a speaking ministry called The Creation Speaks.

As a photographer, Pat realized that learning to write would help him get more photos published. As a writer, you’ll find the reverse to be true.
When you submit your written material with good photos, it’s more likely to get published. Even blog posts on you own website are far more likely to get read when accompanied by a strong image.

But just like Pat wondered how to write a great blog or devotional, you probably wonder how to take a great photo. Well, Pat knows, and will help us gain a better understanding of what makes a good photo whether we use an iPhone or digital SLR with interchangeable lenses.

He will also cover other topics including proper resolution for online and print, image compression, copyright issues, composition, lighting, choosing stock photography and what to consider when submitting multiple images with an article.

Please join us for this information-packed presentation.
Feel free to bring a snack and beverage. This meeting is open to all. After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

Speaking is one of the best ways to grow a platform, meet new readers, and interact with them in a more personal setting. The problem is, many authors are intimidated by this and don’t know where to start. Jennifer Slattery has been speaking to audiences of all sizes and in numerous settings, from Atlanta to Seattle, for nearly twenty years. She’s also the founder of a local parachurch speaking ministry that averages six conferences a year, and she leads a local speaking practice and critique group. With experience as a speaker, ministry leader, and speaking coach, she understands the challenges writers face when attempting to gain bookings and also how to steadily grow one’s message and audience. In this 45 minute session, she’ll discuss how to create and present engaging talks, get bookings, and more.

Feel free to bring a snack and beverage. This meeting is open to all.
After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

Note: An emergency prevented Janet from sharing at May’s meeting. However, she’ll teach her workshop on June 28th.

Former journalist and language arts teacher, Janet Syas Nitsick, shares her insights on “Writing God’s Way.”

Janet authors Christian historical romances, and in her workshop she utilizes an interactive five-part approach to:

(1) Spur the creative flow and find respondents’ interests and talents
(2) Find God’s Purpose for Your Writing
(3) Find your unique voice; learn the difference between showing and telling; create believable characters
(4) Prepare for the enemy’s attacks
(5) Open Discussion/Feedback

Please join us for this informative session!

Learn more about Janet and her books at

Please feel free to bring a snack and beverage if you choose. This meeting is open to all.

After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library,
9101 W. Dodge Rd. Omaha, Ne.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.

It’s time for the Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference, April 27-28. This year’s venue is Grace Central Church, 344 No. 115th Street, Omaha, NE 68154. Cost is $100.

Click here to see workshops and teachers.

Due to the conference, we don’t hold a monthly meeting in April.

Our regular monthly meetings resume May 24, 2018 at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.


Sally Jadlow and Deer Hunting

Sally JadlowSally Jadlow is the author of ten books. Her miracle series, God’s Little Miracle Book (I, II, & III) has been recorded by Sally this past year. There is a growing number of people using audio books these days so we need to keep up with the markets.

Check out her website at:

Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year. A student recently gave me a very helpful book. It’s a thesaurus with the definitions of the alternative words all in one place. “Choose the Right Word by S.I. Hayakawa. (Second Edition)”

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? Marketing. It’s a little like going on a deer hunt and finding few tracks.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Exodus 4:12 “Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say .”

At this year’s conference, Sally teaches

Publish Your Book in Audio and What’s at the End of Your Pen?

Deb Butterfield Talks Learning Curves

Debra L ButterfieldDebra L Butterfield is the author of four books, which include 7 Cheat Sheets to Cut Editing Costs, and Carried by Grace: a Guide for Mothers of Victims of Sexual Abuse. She is a freelance editor and writing coach as well as an editor for CrossRiver Media Group publishing house. Debra has been freelance editing since 2010 and joined CrossRiver Media Group in 2014. Her editorial credits include three award winners: Wilted Dandelions, This I Know, and Bethany’s Calendar. She is a former copywriter for Focus on the Family.

Check out her website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? I write because I’m a servant and teacher at heart. I want to help others overcome situations in their lives, which is why I wrote Carried by Grace. But I also write books like 7 Cheat Sheets to teach the craft of writing and editing and enable writers to become better writers.

Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing. I’ve been editing a book for a college professor this past year. He talks about how our brain works, which is absolutely fascinating. Through this I’ve learned how to help myself set better goals and reach those goals. One tidbit was about using constructive motivation rather than restrictive motivation. I talk about what each is in a video on my YouTube channel.

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? By far, the marketing. It changes almost as fast as technology does—the recent changes in Facebook as a case in point. That means a constant learning curve and the time spent to learn it and implement it, and conversely, less time to write and teach.

At this year’s writer’s conference, Deb will be teaching a workshop,

 Building That All-Important Email List. 

She’ll also be teaching

The Five Essentials to Snag a Publisher.

RJ Thesman Shares Her Strategy for Creative Production

RJ ThesmanRJ Thesman is the author of 10 books and 700+ articles, and her work has been included in 14 anthologies. She is also a Certified Writing Coach who helps other writers birth their words. Thesman writes from the heartland of Kansas where she lives with her adult son and an elderly cat. She enjoys teaching workshops, gardening and cooking, especially anything with blueberries.

Check out her website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? I’ve been writing since I was a child. I can’t NOT write.
Share a tidbit that has helped you in writing and/or marketing. Frontload the week. Do your most creative work on Mon-Wed, then do the marketing and admin work when you’re tired on Thurs-Sat.
Do you have a mentor and/or author/and/or book that helped you this past year. The book by Joanna Penn, “How to Market Your Book”
What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? Neither
Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome? Not yet.
Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Psalm 54:4 “God is my helper and ally; the Lord is my upholder and is with them who uphold my life” (Amplified)

RJ Thesman Coaching SessionBe sure to check out RJ’s workshops at this year’s conference:

Finding Your Writing PlanThe Missing Piece to the Marketing Puzzle.

This year RJ’s offering her coaching skills. Signup today!

Pam Morgan Shares about Pushing Through Writers Block

Pam MorganPam Morgan is a Christian speaker, author, and recording artist who has appeared on various radio and television shows, including Oprah. She and her singer/songwriter husband, Phil, have released fifteen gospel CDs and travel nationwide, inspiring audiences from Alaska to the Caribbean. Although Pam enjoys photography, scrapbooking, teaching women’s bible study, French Vanilla coffee, and (of course) chocolate, she says nothing compares to her two favorite pastimes: sharing the hope of Christ and spending time with her beloved husband and their two young adult daughters, Kayla and Alisha, at home in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Check out Pam’s website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? Honestly, I don’t enjoy writing. I write because I need to write. I have a passion to encourage others by sharing what Christ has done for me, and I prefer to do that through the spoken, not written word, but I also know that a book or article can reach many more people than I can personally. And so, I write…when I must. 🙂

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? It depends on the day, but mostly marketing.

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome? Yes. Usually, my writer’s block is either lack of desire or physical exhaustion. If I lack the motivation to write, listening to music, reading Scripture or reading a favorite author can help. If I’m just tired, I hang it up for the day and pray for inspiration tomorrow.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Isaiah 40:31 – They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…

Be sure to check out Pam’s workshop at this year’s conference:

Speak Up! You Have a Great Book!

Phil Morgan Shares Horn Tooting Advice

Phil MorganPhil Morgan along with his wife Pam have travelled the country in full-time music ministry since 1996, appearing on various radio and television programs including Oprah, Montel, and the 700 Club. Phil has written two books and hundreds of songs, plus a weekly email devotion than highlights his humorous and creative way of expressing Biblical truth. Most recently, Phil has accepted a staff writing position with Valley Songs, the publishing division of Chapel Valley Music in Nashville.

For more information, check out Phil’s website at

What is your motivation? My motivation for writing is always the listener or reader. I enjoy the craft of saying something in a way that is original and insightful, but my biggest reward is when God is able to use something I’ve written to reach an individual with the exact message He has for them.

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing?  I don’t know of any writers who enjoy marketing. Writers tend to be very self conscious and hate to “toot their own horn.” Marketing is necessary for anyone to know what we’ve written, but I think we all would love for someone to take that job off our plate. If marketing lights your fire, come and see me. I may just have a job for you!

How do you juggle your life between family and writing? It’s easy for writing to take a backseat to family, work, life, etc. I find I have to schedule writing time and put it on my calendar. As a songwriter, scheduling time to write with someone else really keeps me on track. For solo writing, I have to set deadlines for myself and stick to them.

Be sure to check out Phil’s workshop at this year’s conference,

INSPIRATION – Where to find it and what to do with it.