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Category: WordSowers Monthly Meeting

Learn the Ins and Outs of the Writing Process

March Wordsowers’ Meeting
Guest Speaker: Rita Rocker
The Process: From Writing a Manuscript to Being Published

Thursday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m.

In-Person Meeting location:
*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134
(Zoom is also available. See details below.)

Rita Rocker will be the guest speaker at the March Wordsowers meeting. She’ll cover the essential steps in the writing process, from seeking God’s guidance and inspiration through the Holy Spirit in your writing to suggestions for editing options, crafting a book proposal, finding a publisher, and promoting your book. Since this is a broad topic, she’ll cover the basics along with providing a handout covering each step of the process.

We’re asking Wordsowers’ experienced and published authors to be a part of the meeting as well. During the Q & A session, we’ll invite you to join Rita in answering questions that attendees might have regarding the writing process.

Rita Rocker is a speaker, author and trainer with and has a program on YouTube (KPAO) on TransformationNow! She is the author of five books and co-author of twelve international anthologies. Her books speak of rising from tragedies to triumph, self-esteem and self-image, career development, communications, professional image and etiquette. All books share about a person’s value and worth and then moves to keys to success in work and life. Rita is a former Mrs. Nebraska and Mrs. America contestant (widowed during her term) and speaks with hope, help, humor and heart.

To contact Rita, her email is and her website is

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Zoom: To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It is a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall.

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*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

You Have a Voice, Use It

February Wordsowers’ Meeting

You Have a Voice
Here’s Your Opportunity to Share Your Thoughts and Ideas

Thursday, February 27th at 7:00 p.m.

In-Person Meeting location:
*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134
(Zoom is also available. See details below.)

Whether you’ve been with Wordsowers for twenty-five years (like Lee Warren) or this is your first meeting, we want to hear from you. The WS support team never sets the agenda for the year until they hear from its members. (You don’t have to sign-up to join Wordsowers and there are no membership fees. Members constitute those who attend monthly meetings, in-person or on zoom.)

At the February meeting, we’ll spend a few minutes in prayer asking the Lord to direct our steps in 2025.

Then it will be your turn to share your thoughts and ideas about Wordsowers. What do you like about the meetings? What do you dislike about the meetings? Would you be interested in write-ins where you’d connect with other writers, write some, fellowship some, and eat some? Do you want to continue with speaker meetings? Do you have ideas for topics or speakers? Do you have ideas on how to promote Wordsowers? Besides offering the monthly meetings and the critique group, how else can Wordsowers serve you?

You have the freedom to express your thoughts and ideas in a non-threatening environment. Don’t hesitate to think outside the box of what you know Wordsowers to be. Wordsowers dares you to start out by saying, “This may sound crazy but…” Even if they can’t utilize all your ideas, the WS support team still wants to hear from you. The only thing they ask is that you be kind to those who serve or have served. No personal attacks, please.

After the official meeting is over, there will be a time of fellowship and refreshments

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Zoom: To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It is a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall.

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*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

Sheila Seifert, from Focus on the Family, is guest speaker

January Wordsowers’ Meeting

Speaker: Sheila Seifert
Editorial Director of “Focus on the Family” and “Brio” magazines
Topic: Taking Your Manuscript to the Next Level

focusonthefamily-thedailybroadcast.jpg (200×200)

Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 p.m.

In-Person Meeting location:
*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134
(Zoom is also available. See details below.)

Sheila Seifert, from Focus on the Family, will join us on zoom as the January guest speaker. She’ll share on the importance of revision and how it will take your manuscript to the next level. Ms. Seifert will share how to use content, craft, communication, and creativity in the revision process. Participants will be given a link to a short quiz that can help them apply this knowledge to their own stories.

Her emphasis will be on fiction; however, whatever genre you write in, Sheila will be an inspiration to all writers. She’ll also take a few minutes to discuss writing opportunities for “Focus on the Family” and “Brio” magazines, as well as have a Q & A time.

Sheila Seifert is the editorial director of Focus on the Family and Briomagazines, author of fiction and nonfiction for adults and children, and the founder of Simple Literature. Her co-authored children’s books include Bible Kidventures: Stories of Danger and Courage, Rescue on the River, and Swept Into the Sea. She has cowritten over 20 books, has over 1,000 freelance sales and had a few of her animated children’s concepts or scripts produced.

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Please note: There are five Thursdays in January. We always meet on the fourth Thursday, not necessarily the last Thursday.

Zoom: To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It is a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall.

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*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

Wordsowers’ Christmas Gathering
Coffee and Fellowship

Saturday, December 7th from 10:00 a.m. – Until We’re Ready to Leave
(Zoom will not be provided.)

Coffee Alley-Callejon del Cafe
7310 Harrison Street
Ralston, NE 68127
(North end of the strip mall)

You’re invited to join us for a time of coffee and fellowship at Coffee Alley in Ralston on Saturday, December 7th. We’ll meet at 10:00 a.m. and hang together until we’re ready to leave. Each person will be responsible for purchasing their own drinks and pastries. (We’ll provide a gf alternative for those who can’t eat gluten.)

It’s quite simple to attend the gathering.  Just show up. Don’t purchase a crazy gift. Don’t prepare any food to bring. Do come and enjoy a time of Christian friendship. (For a few minutes though, we will clue you in on the Mystery of Christmas.)

We do ask that you RSVP. Text or call Debbie Crom at 402-238-2188. Or you can respond to this email. Thank you.

The WS Leadership Team does apologize for the last-minute changes. We hope this doesn’t inconvenience anyone.

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“The Christmas Mystery”
Annual Wordsowers’ Christmas Party

Saturday, December 7th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
(Zoom will not be provided.)

*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Street
Omaha, NE 68138

You and one guest are invited to join us in discovering “The Christmas Mystery” at our annual Wordsowers’ Christmas party. We’ll enjoy a potluck brunch, short devotional, a mystery game and a “Mystery Gift Exchange.” There will be door prizes.

For the potluck brunch, egg and potato dishes will be provided. You’re asked to bring a side dish to compliment the meal such as fruit, finger foods, and pastries. (Gluten-free options will be available.)

If you’d like to participate in the “Mystery Gift Exhange,” please don’t get too serious with your gift (the funnier the better). We challenge you to find that “perfect” gift from a local thrift store. Please keep the gifts under $10.00.

We need to hear from you. Be sure to email your RSVP to Debbie Crom by Monday, December 2nd, at or text her at 402-238-2188. Let her know if you’re bringing a guest and what dish you’ll provide for the brunch. (Or you can RSVP to the newsletter’s email.)

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

What are you thankful for this year?

There are no regular monthly meetings in November and December. WS Critique group will meet in November but not in December. Be sure and check out the Christmas Mystery Party details for December 7th. (Posted separately from this post.) Regular monthly meetings will resume in January on the fourth Thursday.

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Lee Warren: Expand Your Social Media Reach

Lee Warren at the Papillion Book Fest Author Expo on 9/21/24.

Thursday, October 24th at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting location:
*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134
(Zoom is also available. See details below.)

Join us for an engaging writing workshop that focuses on how authors can maximize social media exposure to grow their audience and promote their work. We’ll cover key strategies to enhance your online presence while staying true to your creative vision. Plus, we’ll touch on the benefits of participating in NaNoWriMo to push your writing even further.

Lee writes contemplative essay books, devotional books, and inspirational character-driven fiction. He’s also a freelance editor and journalist who has written hundreds of articles for various newspapers and magazines. When he’s not writing or editing, he’s a fan of NASCAR, baseball, tennis, books, movies and coffee shops.

To contact Lee about his editing service or to check out his books, go to his website at Lee Warren (

Highlight this date on your calendar. Not only will you be encouraged by what Lee will share, it’ll be the last regular monthly meeting of the year. We won’t meet in November since the fourth Thursday is Thanksgiving. The Wordsowers Christmas Party will be on December 7th. Our next meeting after that will be in January 2025.

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Please note: There are five Thursdays in October. We always meet on the fourth Thursday, not necessarily the last Thursday.

Zoom: To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It is a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall.

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*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

Kathy Nickerson
Creating Characters Who Come to Life

Thursday, September 26th
7:00 p.m.

Meeting location:
*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134
(Zoom is also available. See details below.)

Don’t you love a good book with strong characters who pull you into the story and keep you reading into the wee hours of the morning? You talk about them like they’re real people to the point your family and friends think you’re a little cra-cra? Don’t you wish you could write such a book?

If the answer to the above questions is yes, we have great news for you. Kathy Nickerson, our September guest speaker, will discuss how to create characters who come to life with faith, failure, humor, and hope. Since her many books brim with intriguing folks, she’ll be speaking from her own experiences as a successful writer.

Here’s more great news. Kathy will have books available for sale at the meeting. You can connect with her on her website at Kathy Nickerson | author, speaker, and eternal optimist. Her email address is

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Zoom: To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It is a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall.

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*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

Pat Mingarelli: Blending Writing with Life’s Other Passions

Pat Mingarelli
Blending Writing with Life’s Other Passions
Meeting will be hybrid: in-person and zoom

Thursday, August 22nd
7:00 p.m.

Meeting location:
*Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134

Pat Minagrelli will be our guest speaker at the August meeting. Pat combined his love for God’s Word and His creation, along with his passion for photography, to write a devotional book “Drawing Near: Meeting God in His Creation.” He’ll challenge us to look at our other interests to see if there’s potential for blending them with our desire to write.

You can connect with Pat at his website The Creation Speaks Creation Ministry, or via email at His book can be purchased on the website. Many Wordsowers attendees have professional shots thanks to Pat who generously provided his services at a discounted rate at some of the Wordsowers’ conferences.

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Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall. If you can’t join us in person, Zoom will be available.

To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It’s a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting otherwise we can’t guarantee you’ll be able to join the meeting online.

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Donations are appreciated. Wordsowers has ongoing expenses throughout the year (paid speakers, name domain and hosting expenses, SSL certification, etc.). If you’d like to donate to Wordsowers, please contact Lollie Hofer at

*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

Anniversary Celebration:
God Has Blessed Us With 25 Years of Friendships

Join us as we celebrate twenty-five years of Wordsowers. Our very own Kat Crawford is the special guest speaker for the evening. Lee Warren, the unofficial Wordsowers’ historian who has hung around Wordsowers since the beginning, will share its history. Several former leaders and members will celebrate with us as well. Door prizes will be given away throughout the evening.

To God be the glory, great things He has done.

The anniversary party isn’t about who is or isn’t writing. It’s about hanging out with some great people whether you used to attend Wordsowers or just recently joined the group.

Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. We’re asking you to bring a side dish (fruit, veggie, salad, potato, etc.). The main course, dessert, and beverages will be provided.

Please RSVP the dinner by Monday, June 24th. You can text or call Debbie Crom at 402-238-2188. (Or you can respond to this newsletter’s email.) If you wish only to attend the meeting and not the dinner, plan on arriving around 6:45 p.m.

If you can’t attend but would like to videotape a greeting to others, text your video to Kat Parent at 402-230-0119. Kat is working on a slide show presentation and is looking for pictures from past Wordsowers events as well.

Zoom will not be available for this meeting but will resume at the August meeting.

*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for the meetings.

Omaha Wordsowers Critique group will not meet in May since there were no critique submissions. June submissions should be made by Thursday, June 6th. Detailed meeting instructions and guidelines can be found on the Facebook page, Omaha Wordsowers Critique. Email Lollie Hofer if you’re interested in joining the group. Her email address is

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May Speaker – Lollie Hofer
Sage Advice
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

May 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
*Omaha Christian Center, Fellowship Hall
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134

The meeting will be conducted both in-person and zoom. Please be aware that the meeting always takes place on the fourth Thursday of the month, which may not coincide with the last Thursday. (May has five Thursdays.)

Be ready to engage in this interactive meeting. After Lollie Hofer encourages us with some sage writing advice she’s received throughout the years, the spotlight will be turned on you. Come prepared to share the finest and funniest writing advice others have offered you. Expect a laid-back gathering sprinkled with laughs.

Although Lollie’s favorite genre is children’s fiction, most of her success as a writer has been in publishing Christian articles, devotions, and anthologies in numerous magazines, books, and online sites. She enjoys finding those golden nuggets in God’s Word that she can share with others. You can write to Lollie at or visit her website at

Parking: Park in the lot on the south side of the church and enter through the main doors. Follow the signs to the fellowship hall. If you can’t join us in person, Zoom will be available.

To join the meeting via Zoom, click on the following link: Wordsowers Christian Writers Group Meetups | Facebook. It’s a closed group so if you haven’t joined the group yet, click on “Invite.” Answer the questions, agree to the guidelines and an administrator will let you into the group. Please do this by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.  + + + + + + + + + +If you have someone in mind as a speaker or an agenda idea for the monthly meetings, please contact Kat Parent at

Donations are appreciated. Wordsowers has ongoing expenses throughout the year (paid speakers, name domain and hosting expenses, SSL certification, etc.). If you’d like to donate to Wordsowers, especially for those who join us on zoom, checks can be sent to Lollie Hofer at 12927 Chandler Street Omaha, NE 68138. Please make the checks payable to Eleanor Hofer (that’s her legal name). Since Wordsowers isn’t incorporated as a nonprofit or business, we can’t open an account in its name.*Wordsowers is not affiliated with Omaha Christian Center. They graciously allow us to use their facilities for our meetings.

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