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Category: WordSowers Monthly Meeting

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
Thursday Sept. 23, 2021, 7:00-8:00 pm CST

Writing is a service job. We not only serve readers our stories and information, we give them hope, joy, humor, inspiration, advice, faith, and a long list of other things that come straight from our souls. The effort can leave us drained. Join us to discover five ways we can refill our souls to be ready to pour out again.

Kathy Nickerson is an author, speaker, and eternal optimist. In spite of her busy lifestyle, her works include magazine articles, newspaper columns, and novels.

Kathy says, “Whether I’m writing an article for a national magazine, a column for the county paper, or a novel about the Glory Circle Sisters I have the same goal: to tell simple stories about real life, because we are all trying to figure it out. I love finding the silver linings in our cloudy world. And, I am eager to help people find their place in the Greatest Story Ever Told.
Connect with Kathy on her website, Facebook, or her Amazon author page.

Hope to see you September 23rd at 7:00 pm CST!

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.

We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom.

Fiction and non-fiction writers will discover ways to paint pictures with words to help them show, not tell, settings, emotions, and actions. Susan will provide examples of various methods of creating imagery that will capture readers’ attention and keep them thinking about your book long after they’ve turned the last page. A list of sensory words will be provided in a pdf following the presentation.

Susan Muria is president of the Chicago chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers. She has a 37-year career in journalism and public relations, has given travel presentations and writing workshops for 14 years, and has 4 published novels through traditional publishers, one children’s book, and three short stories in anthologies. Susan also works in public relations for the Schaumburg Library.

You can connect with Susan on her website,, her Amazon Page, and at Vinspire Publishing.
Hope to see you August 26th at 7:00 pm CST!

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.

Hope to see you August 26th at 7:00 pm CST!

We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm.  For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom.

July 22nd from 7:00-8:00 pm CST

Do you want to get your writing published but aren’t sure how to go about it? This session is for you!

Lee shared, “During this meeting, let’s try to alleviate the confusion about the various types of publishing. We’ll explore the differences between traditional publishing and the various types of self-publishing, including indie publishing, hybrid publishing and subsidy publishing. Then we’ll work through a list of questions to help you determine which option might be the best fit for you.”

Lee Warren has been writing professionally since 2000 with 18 books (6 traditionally-published and 12 indie-published), as well as hundreds of articles for various newspapers, magazines and websites to his credit. He’s both a freelance editor, and contract editor for Barbour Publishing and Electric Moon Publishing.

He is on staff with The Christian Communicator manuscript critique service, and has taught at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, the Glorieta Christians Writers Conference, the CLASSeminars Christian Writers Conference, the Heart of America Christian Writers Conference, the Write-to-Publish Christian Writers Conference, the Nebraska Writers Guild Conference and the Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference (as well as serving on the leadership committee for an extended period; he’s currently on the advisory committee).

Join us July 22nd at 7:00 pm CST and learn which publishing option is right for you.

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.

Join us May 27th, 7:00-8:00 pm as writer Elizabeth Erlandson shares “How to Write and Sell Your Personal Experiences.”

Elizabeth’s personal experiences articles have been published in dozens of magazines including Today’s Christian Woman, Plus, Sports Spectrum and the Christian Herald and reprinted in The Lookout and Power for Living. The recently released Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology, Be You, includes her story “The Sweetest Game in Town” detailing her experience creating and building a “brick and click” candy store.

Woman’s World magazine published three of Elizabeth’s stories in 2020. She also writes for Bryan Medical Center’s Journeys magazine..

She says, “Writing personal experience articles is accessible to all writers. You may think that other people have more interesting lives than you do, and that may be true. But personal experience writing is not about how interesting or fascinating your life is, it’s about sharing experiences that are meaningful to you and which may help your reader look at her own life with greater insight.”

Elizabeth has included links below to three publications which publish and pay for personal experience stories. Please join us for Elizabeth’s presentation, then use that knowledge to hone your own personal experience story for publication.

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.

For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom.

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
Marketing Q & A with Patricia Durgin
April 22nd 7:00-8:00 pm (Central Time)

Please join us for a special question and answer session with Marketers on a Mission‘s Patricia Durgin. Patricia specializes in marketing Jesus’ way, messaging, and building a loyal following through service.

Amazon sold its first book back in 1995. That was the year Patricia Durgin began studying online marketing. Since then, she’s invested thousands of dollars to learn from leaders in the field, and countless hours adapting those principles for Christian writers and speakers.

Online marketing is a confusing tangle of technology and messaging. Patricia helps Christian communicators cut a straight path, so they can escape the maze and fulfill their calling, which is to reach more people for Christ.

Patricia delivered 505 60-minute programs as the host of Marketers On A Mission, a program for Christian writers and speakers, until Christ placed it on indefinite hiatus. She continues to serve
1) as the Admin of the private Facebook group Marketers On A Mission ENGAGE;
2) as a faculty member at many Christian writers and speakers conferences across the country;
3) through The Encourager, a weekly devotion, and;
4) via private coaching sessions.

Patricia and her husband live near Atlanta. Their two daughters are children’s pastors and their two sons-in-law are youth pastors. Their four grandchildren are a delight, and their two pups, Lucy and Linus, rule the roost at home.

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.

For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom.

March 25th, 2021 6:30-8:00 pm

The best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul books inspire people world-wide. Competition is fierce for these coveted story spots. Discover tips to capture the editor’s attention and dramatically increase your publication chances.
Learn what to do, and which pitfalls to avoid when writing for them and other anthologies.

Please join us as Jeanie Jacobson leads this interactive workshop. Jeanie’s stories appear in many Chicken Soup for the Soul releases, as well as Bethany House anthologies.

For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’re going to continue meeting on Zoom.
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of the meeting.

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting (Online)
Feb. 25, 2021
6:30-8 pm

Ask a group of writers what their needs are and you’ll hear a plethora of answers. Some need help marketing their books. Others wonder where to sell their articles. Some seek to hone their writing skills, or find a critique group.
What are YOUR writing needs?
Whether you’re new to the writing world or a multi-published author, please join us online Feb. 25th. We’ll share our literary concerns and discuss solutions to them.

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of the meeting.

No Meetings In November or December.

During the busy holiday season we break from our normal monthly meetings so our members can focus on the Lord, and enjoy time with family and friends.

Of course we’ll still enjoy our annual Wordsowers Christmas party…in Zoom form!

Date: Friday December 11th
Time: 6:30 pm
-Don your Christmas finery, as if we were gathered in-person.
-Bring your favorite mug of something and a Christmas goody you can enjoy during the party.
-All writers are encouraged to write a piece about Christmas up to 100 words in any genre. We’ll share our stories during the party.
-Everyone who participates gets their name in a drawing. The winner receives a devotional and other books, and a Christmas mug filled with candy.

Please join our private FB group and come party with us!

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting


Oct. 22nd 6:30-8:00 pm

NaNoWriMo–What’s that?

November is National Write a Novel month. Join us as Susan Bristol shares her “NaNo” expertise with us.

The NaNoWriMo website states, “National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days.
Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with 50,000 words of a brand new novel.

Writing a novel alone can be difficult, even for seasoned writers. NaNoWriMo helps you track your progress, set milestones, connect with other writers in a vast community, and participate in events that are designed to make sure you finish your novel.”

Join the Wordsower October meeting and get ready to tackle your novel in November!

For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’re going to continue on Zoom.
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of the meeting.

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
Sept. 24th 6:30-8:00 pm

Wordsowers keeps transforming!

For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’re going to continue on Zoom.

We hope you’ll join us virtually because you are the HEART of Wordsowers. Leadership has changed with new members stepping in, but we still have the same message; to share the love of God through the written word.
Join us to discover where we’re going from here!

Join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of the meeting.

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting ONLINE
Aug. 27th 6:30-8:00 pm

Wordsowers keeps transforming!

August was planned as an in-person meeting, but instead we’ve moved the gathering to an online platform.
For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’re going to continue on Zoom.

We hope you’ll join us virtually because you are the HEART of Wordsowers. Leadership has changed with new members stepping in, but we still have the same message; to share the love of God through the written word.
Join us to discover where we’re going from here!

Join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of the meeting.