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Category: WordSowers Monthly Meeting

2015 Wordsowers Monthly Meetings
We meet the LAST Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:45 PM at the Swanson library, 9101 W. Dodge Rd., Omaha, NE

Ready to enhance your writing career, or get it started? Join us for the Wordsowers monthly meetings.  

May 28th: Breaking into Chicken Soup, author Jeanie Jacobson. Chicken Soup for the Soul is a wildly popular franchise. Six-time “Souper” Jeanie reveals the elements necessary to help your submission stand out against thousands of others.
June 25th: Platform Building, author Jennifer Slattery. Jennifer shares strategies gleaned from her work as a freelance editor and publicist. From old-school to online to connecting with readers, Jennifer outlines steps geared toward building your writing career.
July 30th: Setting the scene: Bringing your fictional world to life, author Kim Stokely. Utilizing fiction elements makes writing shine, regardless of genre. Kim, prolific in both the fiction and non-fiction arenas, dishes out advice useful for any writer seeking to enliven their work.

August 27th: Introduction to, photographer Pasquale Mingarelli. Top bloggers insist on Visual Verse of the Day creator, Pasquale, created his site without technical know-how and quickly gained over 7000 visitors. Learn how to use this powerful tool as a blogging platform or content management system to increase your reach.
September 24th: The value of your testimony, author Karen Watson. Writing impacts the lives of readers. Author and speaker Karen Watson focusesthis session on helping others see value in your ministry. Learn to use your writing so that lives are changed and people become eager to cash-in all for a relationship with God.
 Oct. 29th: How to get and conduct radio and TV interviews, author Brooke Williams.Authors, do you want local publicity? Tune in to Brooke’s presentation. This former radio announcer, producer and script writer’s expertise might be just what you need to get into the limelight.
Nov 19th: Wordsowers Q & A.
(Usual date shifted due to the Thanksgiving holiday)
Have questions? We just may have answers you need. Whether it’s information on the craft, industry terms, or how to get started, bring your questions to this informal open forum.
December-No meeting. Take time to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

We meet the LAST Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:45 PM at the Swanson library, 9101 W. Dodge Rd., Omaha, NE 

After-Glo session directly following. 

Kelly KlepferOn Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 6 pm Kelly Klepfer will present a workshop at the Wordsowers Christian Writers (WCW) monthly gathering. The WCW meets at the Bookworm, 89th and Pacific at 6 p.m.

Kelly’s topic: Co-authoring Fiction.

You want to write and get published. Traditional publishing is getting more complex requiring impressing agents, editors, marketing boards. Platform building is a huge component of future publishing, and don’t forget about networking. Now is the time to be more creative than ever. Kelly Klepfer will share tips and suggestions from her co-authoring journey. 

June 12, 2014Janet Nitsick presents:
Are you writing God’s Way
How do authors determine if the path they are traveling is their way or God’s way? Janet will share her insights and tips and participants will assess their own journeys through fun-analytical handouts and discussions.
Janet Syas Nitsick, lives in Springfield, Nebraska. She is the author of Seasons of the Soul, the story of life with her two autistic sons, Lockets and Lanterns, and historical western romantic anthology, Bride by Arrangement.

Interview by the Lionhearted Kat:

When I received word Janet Nitsick planned to hold a book event at Divine Truth, I dumped my plans for the day and drove west. When I walked in I saw this delightful lady in her elegant dress and hat. What a fun afternoon sitting and visiting with her.
Janet’s book Seasons of the Soul is a heart touching story about being the parent of two autistic sons. While we visited that day, Janet shared even more about the challenges of their family life, their travels and how God has blessed them because of their sons.
Check out the interview page to learn about Hannah Segura and Lori Schulz. Our workshop presenters on Thursday, 8th at the Garden Cafe
LIONHEARTED KAT:  The first post I browsed on your website talked about your comfy shoes.  Your word pictures and your description of painting them tickled my funny bone.  This feels like a book for kids who don’t want to give up their favoritest T-shirt they wear every day, or the PJ’s they’ve got to have.  Where are you going with the shoes, Lori?

LORI:  First, I have to ask you if you’ve been in my home recently at bedtime because my youngest son has one of those t-shirts that he wears to bed every night.  It is really too small for him and it is literally falling apart.  I’ve bought him new t-shirts, but he continues to wear his too small, tattered t-shirt simply because it’s comfortable.  I suppose he gets his need for comfort from me as I think about my comfy shoes, which are similar to that t-shirt.  My shoes do not have holes in them, however.  So, where am I going with those shoes?  That’s a good question.  I’ve been going to a lot of places with those shoes and they keep reminding me of new lessons that I want to share with others.  So tune in for more about my comfy shoes on my blog.  And maybe I’ll write a story about that comfy, tattered t-shirt someday!

Today I chatted with author, speaker, teacher and Dean of Women at Grace University, Tara Rye about her presentation at our WordSowers meeting, this Thursday, May 2ndat the Rockbrook Garden Café. After our discussion about Thursday’s  workshop I asked Tara a few questions.
Kat:    When did you feel called to write?
Tara:  I have always written. I wrote poems and short stories for school. I kept a journal as a kid. I have always wanted to be a writer, but it wasn’t defined as a fiction writer, but more as an inspirational writer. I wanted to write so that people were caught, taught, changed, or challenged in their thoughts.
Kat:  Tara I know you self-published your manuscripts. Did you try presenting them to a mainstream publisher—if so, how did the editor/publisher respond?
Tara: I tried sending out queries and I was told regularly that what I had was good, but it is more niche’ oriented. Several time after submitting a piece to a publishing house, it was rejected. About two years later the same company published something very similar. I lost respect for traditional houses and feared giving out my material.  I used to think poorly of self published authors, but eventually I realized that it was the avenue I needed because I don’t write for the masses I write for the one that will be inspired. I do not write to make a profit or to sell a lot of books. I write for the one. So, my marketing strategy works for me. I do nothing. 🙂 The icing is that they do get purchased.
Mandy Mouse Lives at Lydia House 
Kat:  I know you stay busy. Can you tell us what you are involved in at the present time?
Tara: I write for the Kansas Nebraska Digest as a regular and for CWAHM. I have a calendar reminder each month to submit and I do. I did write for the Examiner, but decided it wasn’t worth my time. I have written for LIFEWAY since 2005 as a Bible curriculum writer.
Kat:  You finished your dissertation.  Does that mean you are Dr. Tara Rye?
Tara: Yes, I am now Dr. Rye. It is a DEdMin, a doctorate of educational ministry. The last four years has been a very intense writing experience from the scholarly perspective. It was not about inspiration, but information. It was tough, but through it God has taught me that I can do hard things. I am getting requests for it (the dissertation) and I have been asked to publish it beyond the seminary publication.
I write daily. I write when I teach about the lessons. It is my greatest joy. I do not feel that I am a gifted writer grammatical. I enjoy the thoughts. I hate the grammar and spelling. I am terrible at it and struggle through it. For this reason, I have a hard time releasing my work. LOL! However, I cannot imagine a day without some sort of written expression.
Kat: What are the credentials behind your name?
Tara:  DEdMin
Tara gave a workshop at the WordSowers Writers Conference on March 2, 2013. She is an awesome speaker, author and prayer warrior. You may know her from the Cultivating Hearts Radio Ministry or through her ministry at the Open Door Mission.
Don’t miss Thursday, May 2nd at the Rockbrook Garden Cafe
108th and Center.
Wordsowers meets at the Rockbrook Garden Café at 108thand Center the first Thursday of each month. Some of our group come to eat at 6 p.m. We support the café and catch up on news. The meeting starts at 7 p.m.
April 5th I’ll be talking about—well if you read any of the posts, you know the topic. Dialogue.
Please come. Bring a friend. If you don’t have time to write anything before April 5th meeting, come anyway.
See you there, Kat
While visiting my daughter in Medford, Oregon, I called a writer friend in Eugene. She said, “Call Sandy. She’s the director of Oregon Christian Writers Conference this year.”
After talking with Sandy about my great novel in process, she said, “You need to buy the book Story.” I returned to Omaha and bought the book. I read it once and have browsed through it many times.
“Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting” by Robert McKee, is one of those books I recommend for every author. It’s a thick book full of practical tidbits for fiction, non-fiction or screenwriting.
At Word Sowers May meeting, Matt Meyer will present materials he has gleaned from the book, “Story.” If you don’t have a copy yet, you might want to buy one.
Kat, Still Lionhearted

On April 5th Word Sowers will meet at the Rockbrook Garden Café—108th and Center Street. The topic for the evening: Dialogue.

Writer’s Digest Books (WDB) has a number of books on how to improve your writing expertise. In April I’ll present my take on, “Dialogue: Techniques and exercises for crafting effective dialogue” by Gloria Kempton. This WDB is filled with writing exercises—they challenge me, especially since my focus in non-fiction.

Over the years I’ve learned to use dialogue in my story telling—to bring life to my memoirs, the lessons I’ve learned about writing and my caregiving journey. What about you?

Write 250 words about a family member, a teacher or possibly a pastor. With dialogue, help us understand the scene—tense or pleasant. Don’t bother to edit, bring your rough draft to Word Sowers next month.

Kat, Still Lionhearted

What an animated discussion at our first WordSowers meeting at the 72nd and Dodge Borders location, May 5, 2011. Didn’t think about it until later, but Kat, Angela, Jon and Teresa (KAJT), started their new leadership team roles on the National Day of Prayer—a great beginning for a new season in life with Wordsowers.

Attended by: Lee Warren; Merrie Hanson; Elizabeth Meyer (Angela’s daughter who after the meeting said, “I really liked listening to all the stories.”) Angela Meyer; Kat Crawford; Susan Gontarek; Jon Miller; Rachel Steenson; Katie Ziegler; Teresa Tierney and Pasquale (Pat) Mingarelli.

● Lee Warren is writing full time for the Christian Post. Suggestion—take a minute to check out
● Jon Miller has been accepted as camp counselor at Okoboji, Iowa. One of his articles has been printed and he has three more accepted for publication—great job, Jon.
● Susan Gontarek has sent six chapter of her book “Grace in the Mirror” to Carol Umbarger for editing. Susan also has a new website:
● Teresa Tierney is the new admin for
● Kat Crawford is the new contact for Sally Stuart’s Christian Writer’s Guide
● Jon Miller built a blog
● Teresa, Angela and Kat submitted articles. (Love the quote on my wall: “You cannot sell what you don’t submit.”)
● Pat Mingarelli, Katie Ziegle and Rachel Steenson are new to the group, but not to the writing and speaking world. Welcome!
● Check out Pat’s photography at

If I’ve forgotten something shared, forgive me. You can add comments or email one of the KAJT and we’ll add the info.

Several brought travel articles or a memoir to read aloud and then we discussed chapters 13 and 14 from the book “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser.

Next WordSowers meeting will be held June 2nd upstairs in the Borders 72nd and Dodge location. We will continue with two challenging chapters: 15, “Science and Technology” and 16, “Business Writing.” Exercise your brain, bring 150-250 words you’ve experienced that relates to these chapters.

Reporting, The Lionhearted Kat

Left to Right:  Pat, Susan, Katie, Kat Rachel, Angela, Jon, Lee, Merrie
Left to Right: Pat, Susan, Katie, Kat Rachel, Angela, Jon, Lee, Merrie