Fresh Starts Second Chances
Today we welcome guest Michelle Greenwood as she shares about how writing aided her healing from life’s falls.
I thought my relationship with God was great. I volunteered at church. If the doors opened, I was there. The truth is I became proud, thinking myself better than everyone else because of all the work I did. I know Christianity doesn’t work that way, but I was lost. Despite appearances (the perfect Christian family) my family took a road of destruction.
My oldest son fell fast and hard. His reputation of being a straight arrow was demolished. The media treated his fall as they did Sam Berkowitz’s fall. I drowned in a sea of embarrassment.
Focusing on my son through visits created day to day activity. Then one day, a friend of mine gave me a puppy. She weighed 4 pounds and demanded attention. I could no longer wallow in self-pity I had a baby in need of care.
My son asked me to write daily and I did. I quickly realized I needed God to be able to write positive letters. I decided since I was writing why not share with others. I formed a blog for this purpose.
Initial entries came from Proverbs. Through writing I realized I had fallen into the trap of pride. The letters I sent him contained personal notes as well as what I posted. our relationship improved. It took a few years for him to arrive at the conclusion that his arrogance led to this fall. Today he enjoys a great relationship with God. In prison he is the straight arrow without pride enjoying God’s blessings.
Next, I focused on Psalms. David has always been one of my favorite Bible characters. God calls David a man after His own heart. Writing about David’s words brought awareness of my need to talk to God as a regular person, my BFF if you will. David screwed up all the time, yet David was humble. He brought everything to God. I remembered Prayer is communication between God and me. Prayers are supposed to be specific. Today, when I am in the car by myself, I talk to God as if he is my BFF. I yell, I cry, but most of all, I listen. God has great advice. To hear, I must listen.
The protection and blessings my son now enjoys is due to the prayers of many. One friend told me you have no idea how many people are praying for him. I told her I know people pray, I see the results.
My growth continues. I find myself more mindful of the trap of pride. Currently, my youngest son battles the green-eyed monster. My husband found a niche at church and work. When he speaks, God comes out. Recently we returned to volunteer work.
God is never done with us until we are with Him in heaven. I strive to focus on this fact: Life with Jesus is about #FRESHSTARTS and #SECONDCHANCES. When we fall Jesus is always there.
How has writing helped you heal from the falls of life?
Originally from Midwestern Pennsylvania, Michelle Greenwood is a Christian, wife, mother of two and a (disabled) veteran. Although not yet published, Michelle is busy writing and submitting her work. Her first book is “How to Read the Bible Through Studying John” and she is currently penning her family’s story.
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