“My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king;
My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.” Psalm 45:1
Do not expect the customer service rep to think OUTSIDE THE CUP.
When I received notice an anthology, “Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers,” with articles from Audrey and me, was ready to ship, I started calling bookstores and churches. I learned right away it’s easier if there are two smiling salesladies at the table to autograph.
My author friend Audrey and I arranged several book events together. Audrey brought the candies, “Hugs and Kisses.” We stood at a table right inside the door pedaling books and of course, free candies. I’m not sure if our smiles or the candies got more attention, but we did sell books and we built a good relationship with the sales staff.
At the close of the signing a customer service rep thanked us and said, “We’ll sell all of these before Mother’s Day. Easy sell.”
“But this book isn’t just for Mother’s Day,” I said. “This is a book for the year. I’m holding tea parties this summer and I’m promoting Coffee Capers. You know a time when you have a great book event, invite people to learn about the mystery of being an author—Audrey and I can share our story…” I kept talking and talked her into another book event later in the summer.
Lesson learned: Teach the customer service rep how to market beyond the title, beyond the promo pitch, beyond that particular book.
Still Lionhearted, Kat