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Tag: christian writers support group

Is God Calling You to Serve WS?

The WS Support Team Needs You
Opportunities to Serve Others

Nope, we’re not talking about tennis. We just needed to get your attention.

To be honest, Wordsowers needs willing people to step out of their comfort zones to serve others. The WS support team is looking for two or three people who are interested in being a part of the team. After talking to the Lord about it, if you feel this is something He’s calling to you to do, contact Debbie at or Lollie at lolliehofer@yahoo.

Here are some service opportunities for you to consider: set the agenda and lead monthly meetings, oversee the Critique Group, promote Wordsowers in the Omaha community, provide write-in opportunities at coffee houses, and help the team plan special activities apart from the regular meetings.

After prayer, if Jesus is nudging you to serve Him through Wordsowers, please contact us.

Great Turnout for the Wordsowers’ Anniversary Celebration

Thank you to the twenty-six folks who joined us in celebrating Wordsowers twenty-fifth anniversary. Thank you to Kat Crawford, Lee Warren, and Kelly Haack for sharing their Wordsowers’ journeys with us. A big shout out to Kat Parent for emceeing the meeting, Theresa Graeve for recording it, and to Roger Crom for taking pictures. Debbie Crom and Lollie Hofer cooked the pulled pork and did food set-up.

Here are a few of the pictures taken during the party. We’ll publish more pics at a later time.

More pictures can be found on the Wordsowers Facebook Page along with a recording of the meeting.

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