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Tag: editing

Thursday Sept. 28, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm CST

This will be a hybrid meeting, one with a Zoom option for those who can’t attend in person.

With twenty-plus years in the publishing industry, editor and author Lee Warren shares his unique insights into what not to do when submitting a manuscript to an editor. Lee published traditionally before choosing to become an indie author. He has edited for publishers, newspapers and websites. In this workshop, you’ll glean information that will enhance your publishing knowledge and strengthen your work so your editor can focus more on your content to make it shine.

Connect with Lee at:

Website: www.leewarren.books



Are you interested in slowing down and living deeper? Subscribe to Lee’s weekly email newsletter. He’d love to connect with you there.

This month, please join us at
Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134

Important: Park in the north parking lot (lower lot) off of 92nd & Taylor. Follow the signs to the Wordsowers meeting room.
(From the north lot there are only three steps to traverse.)

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this meeting.

We meet the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm.

We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.

This will be our second hybrid meeting, one with a Zoom option for those who can’t attend in person.

With twenty-plus years in the publishing industry, editor and author Lee Warren shares his unique insights into what not to do when submitting a manuscript to an editor. Lee published traditionally before choosing to become an indie author. He has edited for publishers, newspapers and websites. In this workshop, you’ll glean information that will enhance your publishing knowledge and strengthen your work so your editor can focus more on your content to make it shine.
Lee Warren is a contemplative writer of devotional books, essay books, and Christian novels that inspire readers to appreciate the present moment and think about eternity. He has written 19 books and hundreds of articles for newspapers and magazines. As a contract editor for publishers, he has helped dozens of writers shape their work. In his free time, Lee enjoys sports, books, and coffee shops.

You can connect with Lee at:





Are you interested in slowing down and living deeper? Subscribe to Lee’s weekly email newsletter. He’d love to connect with you there.

This month, please join us at:
Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134

Important: Park in the north parking lot (lower lot) off of 92nd & Taylor. Follow the signs to the Wordsowers meeting room.
(From the north lot there are only three steps to traverse.)

Since our members live in various areas, we’ll not only continue the In-person/Zoom hybrid meetings, we’ll also rotate the local areas where we’ll gather.
Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this meeting.

We meet the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm.

We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.

Please join us as Wordsowers favorite, author and editor Lee Warren, shares his expertise.

Are you ready to get serious about establishing a writing routine? National Novel Writing Month starts November 1. It’s the perfect time to fast draft the manuscript you’ve been thinking about. Yes, you can write a first draft in thirty days, even with a day job or other responsibilities. During this month’s meeting we will talk about the mindset you will need to pull it off, then we will get practical.

Award winning author Lee Warren has written 19 books and hundreds of articles for various newspapers, magazines and websites. He’s also a contract editor for Barbour Publishing and Electric Moon Publishing, and is on staff with The Christian Communicator manuscript critique service.

Lee has taught at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, the Glorieta Christians Writers Conference, the CLASSeminars Christian Writers Conference, the Heart of America Christian Writers Conference, the Write-to-Publish Christian Writers Conference, the Nebraska Writers Guild Conference and the Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference. Lee also served on the Wordsowers leadership committee for an extended period, and continues to be an invaluable resource for the group.

Get a jump on your writing with Lee’s superlative resource, Write That Book in 30 Days.

Please note: October wraps up our monthly Zoom meetings for 2022. We’ll take our normal November/December holiday break so members can enjoy time with family, friends, and most important–with the Lord. We hope to see you for the last Wordsowers meeting of 2022, October 27th at 7:00 pm CST!

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this informative meeting.

We meet online on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm CST. For the health and safety of our Wordsowers family we’ll continue meeting on Zoom while reevaluating when we can resume in-person meetings in 2023.

We welcome you to explore our Facebook page.

Don't Leave Your Readers Dangling

An Editing Tip from Kat Crawford

My sister and I watched a movie. At the end, Karen said to me, “But what happened to the dog?” The writer and producer portrayed a great story with the human cast, but they introduced a dog. They finished the romance, but what about the injured animal?

Years ago, an editor emailed me. “I’d like to use your story, but you’ve left me hanging. If I want to know what happened, so will the reader.”

The good news is, the editor liked my material enough to give me the opportunity to rewrite and answer all questions. I’ve learned since then to let my manuscript sit for a day or two before editing.

Want to see holes in your story? Join a critique group. When one of the group reads your story aloud you may hear where changes are needed. 

Remember: No matter if you are writing a short devotional or a novel, your reader will feel cheated if you don’t solve the problem before the end of your post or story.

Leave no question unanswered.

Instead of our usual library location, we’ll meet at 6pm at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

Are you hesitant to show samples of your writing to editors at the upcoming annual Wordsowers conference? If so, you’ll want to join us for the March meeting. Author and freelance editor Lee Warren will walk you through key writing principles that will help your work stand out if you implement them.

Please join us as workshop leader Lee Warren shares his expertise in this area. Lee has twenty years experience in the Christian publishing industry, both traditional and indie publishing, and has taught at writers conferences throughout the US.

He has written eighteen books and hundreds of articles for various magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Decision, Discipleship Journal, Light & Life, War Cry, Christian Single, Bible Study Magazine,, Today’s Christian, Breakaway, Clubhouse, Living Light News and many others.

Even if you aren’t planning to attend the writers conference, the material covered in this meeting will benefit you. Please join us and learn how to make your writing shine!

Again, instead of our usual library location, we’ll meet at 6pm at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

As much as Wordsowers would love to treat everyone to lobster and filet mignon, unfortunately dinner is not in our budget. This is a pay-for-yourself event.