We call into the void, “This is delicious. Come try a bite.”
- One of the top three business blogs on the Internet with
- 300,000+ monthly visitors and
- 70,000 subscribers
- 145,000 Twitter followers
- 21,000 Facebook fans
- A weekly podcast, This Is Your Life, consistently ranking in iTunes top ten
- Approximately 278.4 kazillion book sale.
Since his platform started at zilch, it’s worth listening to his wisdom.
Disclaimer: These 5 steps are straight from Micheal Hyatt’s site. I am crediting Michael Hyatt. Mr. Hyatt, please hold back your legal people. Again, this is Michael Hyatt’s info. Highly abbreviated.
Obviously, he expands on and explains each step. But since I don’t want his legal team stalking me, head over to one of Michael’s sites to feast at his banquet.
Since I’m all about freebees, here’s a tasty one: Sign up to get his blog posts via e-mail and receive a FREE copy of his new e-book Shave 10 Hours off Your Workweek.
Now on to
Jeanie’s Super-Secret Newbie No-No’s
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Photo courtesy of graur razvan ionut @ freedigitalphotos.net |
To recap what we’ve learned so far:
There, They’re, Their
Here’s one way for non-grammar nerds to subdue this potentially tricky trio.
- “There” rhymes with “Where.” Where’s the dog? Over THERE. OR Substitute “Here” for “There” and see if the sentence makes sense.
- “They’re” is two words, THEY and ARE jammed together. Am I the only one working? No, THEY’RE going to help.
- “Their” = Possession. The IRS (THE/IRS) thinks everything is THEIRS. THEIR bank accounts. THEIR car. THEIR houses…
Most new writers don’t realize incorrect use of these trouble triplets will send editors out of there minds. If they’re is a problem with your manuscript, their is a way to fix it. They’re is spell-check, but it won’t help you their. Try Grammar-girl. If there busy, look at Grammarly. There always willing to help folks out they’re.
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