2015 Wordsowers Monthly Meetings
We meet the LAST Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:45 PM at the Swanson library, 9101 W. Dodge Rd., Omaha, NE

Ready to enhance your writing career, or get it started? Join us for the Wordsowers monthly meetings.
May 28th: Breaking into Chicken Soup, author Jeanie Jacobson. Chicken Soup for the Soul is a wildly popular franchise. Six-time “Souper” Jeanie reveals the elements necessary to help your submission stand out against thousands of others. jeaniejacobson.com
June 25th: Platform Building, author Jennifer Slattery. Jennifer shares strategies gleaned from her work as a freelance editor and publicist. From old-school to online to connecting with readers, Jennifer outlines steps geared toward building your writing career. JenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.com
July 30th: Setting the scene: Bringing your fictional world to life, author Kim Stokely. Utilizing fiction elements makes writing shine, regardless of genre. Kim, prolific in both the fiction and non-fiction arenas, dishes out advice useful for any writer seeking to enliven their work. kimstokely.com
August 27th: Introduction to WordPress.org, photographer Pasquale Mingarelli. Top bloggers insist on WordPress.org. Visual Verse of the Day creator, Pasquale, created his site without technical know-how and quickly gained over 7000 visitors. Learn how to use this powerful tool as a blogging platform or content management system to increase your reach. visualverse.thecreationspeaks.com
September 24th: The value of your testimony, author Karen Watson. Writing impacts the lives of readers. Author and speaker Karen Watson focusesthis session on helping others see value in your ministry. Learn to use your writing so that lives are changed and people become eager to cash-in all for a relationship with God. theamplifiedlife.com
Oct. 29th: How to get and conduct radio and TV interviews, author Brooke Williams.Authors, do you want local publicity? Tune in to Brooke’s presentation. This former radio announcer, producer and script writer’s expertise might be just what you need to get into the limelight. authorbrookewilliams.com
Nov 19th: Wordsowers Q & A.
(Usual date shifted due to the Thanksgiving holiday)
(Usual date shifted due to the Thanksgiving holiday)
Have questions? We just may have answers you need. Whether it’s information on the craft, industry terms, or how to get started, bring your questions to this informal open forum. wordsowers.com
December-No meeting. Take time to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.
We meet the LAST Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:45 PM at the Swanson library, 9101 W. Dodge Rd., Omaha, NE
After-Glo session directly following.