Stephen King described his early office—a desk in the laundry room. In 2003 I figured if King could make it work, so could I.
Although compact, our laundry ala office, serves the purpose. I moved into this space when widow-hood threatened. My caregiver role demanded I be where I could hear the needs of my husband in the family room next door—far enough to hear his needs and also process my inner thoughts.
Organization has never been my strong point, but I do try. I blame my messy desk on time constraints and the lack of space, but the truth is, given the ideal cubicle with lateral files and bookshelves, most likely I’d still have a million pieces of paper across my desk.
When my dear sweet husband beat the rare cancer, he helped move my office to a small bedroom upstairs. I’ve ten times the room, 4 drawer files, 2 drawer files, 2 large bookshelves and you still can’t see the top of my desk. Paper is important to me.
What did I learn?
- I’m an author. I write. Sometimes I use a yellow pad and sit on the porch.
- Sometimes I pack a steno pad and compose in the car.
- Once in awhile I write a story during the sermon. (Confession is good, right?)
- I write on toilet paper, napkins, sticky notes and scraps of envelopes.
- There are steno pads all over my house, but never one at my fingertips when inspiration hits me.
God has given me a passion to share His message—regardless the office space.
Where is your office space—neat or not so neat?
Still Lionhearted, Kat