Writers are an inventive lot. This month’s meeting is a celebration sharing other facets of our creative lives.
Musician. Jewelry creator. Omaha tour guide. Baker. What’s your artistic avenue?
If you’ve attended a Wordsowers event (meeting, conference, or critique group) you’re eligible to showcase your specialty.
If you’ve never attended a Wordsowers event, please come to enjoy the gathering, learn more about your fellow writers, and perhaps discover new areas of interest for yourself.
Here’s how it works.
Each member will have approximately 3-5 minutes to share their specialty with the group. After that, we’ll “roam the room” to chat with the presenters individually.
If you’d like to share your creative outlet, please email Jeanie@Wordsowers.com so Pebbles and I can plan accordingly.
After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.–unless we’re too full from the baker’s goodies.
We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library,
9101 W. Dodge Rd. Omaha, Ne.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.