When deciding which social media to use, ask yourself, “Who and where is my audience?”
If your audience is 20 something, don’t hang out at an AARP forum. Determine what kinds of things your audience enjoys and be a part of it.
What is your purpose? Each Social Media platform (Twitter, Facebook, blog, Google+) has its strengths and purposes. Do a bit of research and see which fits with your needs.
Where are you already? Don’t get caught up in doing it all. Not everything will be a fit. Are you already online? Start where you are. Build it up. Keep adding as you discover those places that are a fit for your message and your audience.
What do you enjoy? If you get a profile on Twitter, but hate it, you aren’t as likely to use it. Its better to have no profile there than an unused one. Your fans will want to see you active. Give a new spot a try, but don’t bang your head against the wall if its not working for you.
Remember from last week: your platform must be sustainable. It must work with your life if you’re going to maintain it.
Do you have a platform or marketing question you would like answered?
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Writing Prompt:
The following paragraph is wordy! And pretty boring (serves the purpose of this exercise). Two challenges:
1) Tighten up the word count. Right now its at 60.
2) Give it some zing. Some interest.
Have fun! Leave a comment and let us know your new word count for challenge #1.
They went down to the store where there was a guy working that had sold them a broken toaster. They needed a toaster so bad because they didn’t have an oven, so they needed to get their money back. Then they would go and get one at a different store where their neighbor told them a sale was going on.
Resource Suggestion: JeffGoines
“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” ― Toni Morrison