We all know about New Year’s resolutions.
A new year equals a fresh start…until want-power overtakes will-power.
I want one last slice of cheesecake before starting my diet.
I want one more couch potato day before hitting the gym.
I want to read one more novel before I work on mine.
Here at Wordsowers we’re turning our writing dreams into reality.

And this is your invitation to join us.
Will 2015 be the year your work emerges from the hidden depths of your computer into the light of publication?
From critiques groups to our annual writers conference, we at Wordsowers are determined to help each other.
I can attest to that. Because of the help, encouragement, and critique I’ve received, Chicken Soup for the Soul purchased five of my stories, James Stuart Bell included me in his Bethany House compilation, Heaven Touching Earth, and I finished the first draft of my novel.
And that’s in the last 18 months.
Could I have done it on my own? Absolutely not. Is Wordsowers ready to help you? Absolutely.
Please don’t let intimidation keep you from your writing dreams. Connect with us here or on our Facebook page.
Plus, sign up for our free monthly newsletter and get help delivered straight to your inbox. It’s easy–the button is on the right side of this page, near the top.
We’d love to hear your writing plans for this year. Please share them in the comments below.